
Italy is typically has wide ranges of temperatures for the month of January. Southern italy is much warmer than Nothern Italy and Central Italy is a good mixture of the two extremes. It is usually foggy and rainy in the early part of the year in Italy, while mountainous regions collect lots of snow. Source

January Temperature Comparison - Italy

  • Mean shows what the average temperature is in the month of January while the Standard Deviation shows how many degrees that vary from the mean typically.

  • The data shows that temperatures in Italy have increased in the last 25 years in the month of January.

  • Source

  • The first arm shows 25% of the data from 1995 known as the minimum. The box shown represents 50% of the data collected and shows the 1st quartile, median, and 3rd quartile. The line coming out farthest right is the maximum temperature and includes 25%

  • When comparing these two years you can tell that the 2020 minimums are much lower and most of the data is less seperated between temperatures. While the warmest temperatures come from 1995, the 2020 graph shows it was the warmer month.