
Land Use and Electricity Capacity in Italy

Chart 1 -

  • The total percent of Agricultural Land is one hundred percent.

  • This data is estimated to be taken from 2018.

  • The Forest is the highest percent of the land used in Italy because they use it to make finished wood products and fuel wood.

Chart 2 -

  • Italy has a small permanent crop percentage but nothing compared to the scarcity that the United States has. Italy's leading land use is the Forest and compares quiet close to the United states percentage wise.

  • This difference of crops and pastures comes from the differences between these countries needs. While Italy is a hub for trade they might need less pasture land because they can trade with other nations, while the United States is not centralized in Europe and must produce more of their own crops.

Chart 3 -

  • In comparison to the rest of the world Italy ranks far behind in Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, Hydroelectric plants. But ranks highly in Other renewable sources: things like wind, solar, and geothermal energy.

  • This data was estimated to be collected from 2016 & 2017