Class Expectations


Other Important Information:

  1. Personal Contact Information

  • If at any time during the year your personal information such as address, home phone, cell phone, work phone, email, or emergency contact information changes, please contact me or the school immediately.

  1. Transportation Changes

  • If your child's mode of transportation changes at any time, whether it's only for one day or indefinitely, you MUST write a note! The note can be put in your child's folder or turned in to the front office. Calls, texts, emails, or other messages WILL NOT be accepted.

  1. Absences/Tardies

  • If your child is absent, I must receive a dated note within 3 days of the absence in order for it to be excused. Please note that checking your child out early counts as a tardy. Only adults on the checkout list will be allowed to check your child out. Please see the parent handbook for more information.

  1. Behavior Policy

  • S.L. Mason follows the mark system. After a behavior incident, a student will receive a mark. After 5 marks, there will be an office referral. Parents/Guardians will be made aware of each mark through phone calls.