Course Outline


"Language is the dress of thought." - Samuel Johnson

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Basic introduction and review of speech etiquette & writing.

UNIT II: Self-Exploration

"Be yourself, because an original is better than a copy." - Greyson Chance

Students will evaluate brain strengths and how they play a part in presentations. By the end of this unit, students create and design their first presentations using various forms of technology to build "All About Me" speeches.

UNIT III: copyright & Communication through history

"What happens on social media stays on Google forever."

Students explore the historical components of communication and how it's evolved over time. We discuss the influence of social media and technology in the classroom, with presentations, and beyond. In addition, we explore the immediate impact on plagiarism in the classroom, copyright laws and how it plays a part in presentations, and the importance of knowing all about Fair Use and the Public Domain. The goal is for students to leave feeling empowered to share their story and the courage to fight for their right to actually KEEP it as THEIR story and no one else's...

unit iv: leaders & JOB SEEKERS

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Students create professional portfolios that include designing resumes, completing applications. By the end of this unit, students participate in mock interviews and learn the process and formality of interviewing with future employers.

Important note: students are required to dress professionally for their individual interview. It is not required that you purchase new dress clothes - most students own slacks, skirts, polos, button down, etc... or something that will work for this assignment. Please see me if you have questions.

UNIT V: Persuasive Speaking

"Character may also be called the most effective means of persuasion." - Aristotle

After learning about the importance of supporting your side of the topic, students present a persuasive speech about a subject of their choosing. Discussions evolve around ethos, pathos, and logos - the three key ingredients to get your audience on your side.

unit vi: marketing and propaganda

Lights! Camera! Action!

Students end the semester with creating their very own radio commercials, print advertisements, and TV commercials based on original products, campaigns and/or organizations they create.

speech topics:

There will be various opportunities throughout the semester for students to present formal speeches. Below is a list of possible topics that may be chosen.

  • How To

  • The Real MVP

  • Dream Job

  • Persuasive

  • Informative

  • Eulogy

  • Award Acceptance