Special Education


  • Read with your child focusing on their target sounds

  • Find items at home, outside, etc. that have their target sound

  • Play board games/card games (have child name the picture, practice asking for each item with good speech sounds, etc)

  • Make a list of words containing target sounds

  • Engage your child in conversation about their favorite movie, book, hobbies, etc.


  • Read with your child

    • Focus on vocabulary your child may not know

    • Retell the story

    • Have your child describe items in the story

    • Have your child identify nouns, adjectives, verbs from the story

    • Ask them questions about the story

  • Play games targeting:

    • Following directions

    • Vocabulary

    • Turn taking

  • Engage your child in conversation

    • Ask them questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

    • Practice turn taking in the conversation

  • Pretend play (request items, name items, etc.)

  • Go on walks and talk about nature

For our older students:

  • Ask “How” questions (How do you brush your teeth?)

  • Ask how objects are alike/different. (airplane-bird, sun- banana)

  • Synonyms/Antonyms

  • Engage in reading books

    • Have your student predict what will happen next

    • Have them describe the setting, characters, etc.

    • Answer questions related to story

  • Play games

    • Practice turn taking, conversational skills, requesting items, etc.

Fluency: (Stuttering)

  • Encourage your child to practice their stuttering strategies

  • Read a book and have your child retell the story

  • Have your child recall events from the day


Social Skills


Visual Supports


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Activities

Scholastic Learn at Home


Free Audio Books

Free eBooks

Learning Ally


UDL Toolkit for Audiobooks

UDL Toolkit Text-to-Speech for Writing

Literacy Tools

Writing Tools

Math Tools