
Dear Brownsboro ISD Parents & Guardians,

During our school closure, student learning continues to be a priority in BISD. On this page you will find content that supports the curriculum for the period of time we are closed.

We encourage you to access the information provided and to have your child spend time on the content each day. While this will not fully replace the face-to-face instruction we have to miss, it will help reduce gaps in learning.

Our entire team will make a concerted effort to connect with your child through our home based instruction approach for the duration of our school closure. Please email your child's teacher, administrator, or any staff member if you have questions. We are all available to help you and your child!

Home Based Learning Packets

Week 7, 8, & 9: Final Packet

Pre-K-8th 4th nine weeks grading guidelines Eng/Spanish-COVID-19

Pre-K-8th grade Grading Guidelines for the 4th nine weeks

Online Reading Resources

Online Math Resources

Online Science Resources

Additional Educational Resources