Some helpful podcasts:
Goat Gab - A bi-weekly meeting about all things Dairy Goat....shows, production, management, breeding, ADGA politics, youth.
Ringside - everything and anything regarding Dairy Goats and the ADGA.
Beyond the Ring - Skim through the first few minutes of politics to get some great chat about the show world from judges.
Baas & Bleats - Sponsored by the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners. Each episode focuses on a different aspect of dairy goat production.
For the Love of Goats - A wide variety of goat management and production topics.
Goat Talk with the Goat Doc - Outdated, but easy to understand goat health issues.
The Rumen Room - Mostly cows but valuable for understanding ruminants. Episodes two and three are an excellent resource for understanding what happens in ruminant digestion step by step.
The Dairy Podcast Show - Advanced interviews with the brightest minds of the global dairy industry.
Purdue Sheep and Goat Topics - Management information for all progressive Sheep and Goat producers.
Mini Dairy Goat Podcast - All about miniature dairy goats.
Wormcasts - Parasite management.