

The methodology that we intend to use consists of the followings Working Packages (WP) and Tasks:

WP1-Experimental design (objective 1)

Task 1- Factorial experimental design: the characteristics of each heavy mineral (magnetite, ferrosilicon) to be used in the DM process will be considered to optimize the mineral concentration process. Ilmenite as a low cost mineral compared to ferrosilicon and magnetite will be accounted. SOBREDA is in charge of designing the experiments with Ilmenite, both in extraction and washing separator-Gravity and Magnetic equipment.

Estimation of heavy minerals, celestite mineral and water proportions to run the tests will be calculated by AMP and SOBREDA (Ilmenite) partner companies.

Milestones WP1

M1- Estimation of the total amount of heavy mineral, Celestite mineral and water needed to carry out the tests.

M2- Cost estimated for each test.

WP2- Concentration Process testing and optimization (objective 2)

Task 2-Mineral conditioning

The raw celestite mineral (60-69 % Celestite; 0-20 mm particle size) supplied by CI will be grinded down to 0-6 mm to adapt it to the operating conditions of a lab-scale hydrocyclone plant.

Task 3- Concentration tests

The tests will be conducted at AMP's facilities using the selected heavy minerals and a laboratory Hydrocycloning pilot plant. This plant hasa pumping group (160l sump and centrifugal slurry pump AMP® 3/2 CMAR 7,5 Kw) with 75 mm hydrocyclone. For the heavy mineral recovery, a Low intensity magnetic separator (LIMS) operating at 800 Gauss and a Gravity and Magnetic equipment (SOBREDA) will be used. To recover and separate the celestite mineral by particle size,a vibratory sieve shaker and sieves will be used.

Three sampling points will be established in the hydrocycloning pilot plant: feeding, sink and floated. The different samples will be processed and classified in different particle size ranges to evaluate the efficiency of the dense media in celestite concentration for the different particle sizes.

Task 4-Chemical and mineralogical analysis of mineral

A qualitative/quantitative mineralogical analysis of samples will be done by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Rietveld analysis and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to determine celestite concentration and heavy mineral recovery.

Task 5- Optimization the operation parameters of the concentration process

Based on previous tests and the mineral concentration data, optimal operation parameters will be defined to obtain the highest celestite concentration in the sink point and the highest calcite/clays concentration in the float point and the maximum heavy mineral recovery.

Milestones WP2

M3- Characterization of dense media and celestite mineral in different sampling points.

M4- Determination of concentration efficiency of experiments in the lab-scale plant.

M5- Determination of optimum operation conditions of the lab scale plant.

WP3- Extrapolation of lab results and scale up (objective 5)

Task 6- Study of the viability of the process scale up

The viability of the scaling of the results obtained at laboratory scale will be studied. The design equations of the laboratory scale hydrocyclone will be determined and translated to the semi-industrial pilot plant.The principles of geometrical similarity, mechanical similarity and dynamic similarity will be applied. From this data, the operation conditions for the semi-industrial pilot plant will be defined.

The scaling method is based on the previously determined laboratory scale data. Empirical correlations are produced which, combined with the dimensional analysis and similarity, allow the process to be scaled. In this method it is necessary to have a significant amount of experimental data to validate the operation of the new scale (semi-industrial plant).

Milestones WP4

M6-Calculated dense medium and hydrocycloning working conditions to be applied to semi-industrial scale-up process.

M7- Testing of scale up model in the semi-industrial pilot plant.

WP 4. Dissemination of results and intellectual property protection

The objective is to achieve the maximum dissemination of this Project to specialized and non-specialized audience.

Task 7: IPR protection and exploitation of results

The state-of-the-art and patents will be permanently updated to verify that, if necessary, our results can be exploited. If so, the UGR will support the researchers in the process of patent filing.

Task 8: Dissemination and communication

The researchers of the project will attend relevant conferences, workshops and intersectoral events to disseminate results obtained in this project. Also these results will be submitted for publication into scientific journals. Additionally, the project results will be presented in a web page and other media for the general public.


M11-Dissemination of the main achievements of the project.