Physiological basis of phytotoxicity reduction of the herbicides Metsulfuron methyl and Imazamox by application of Bioiberica products

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Bioiberica S.A.U., Universidad de Granada

30/11/2020 - 30/05/2021

Evaluation of the efficacy of an Atlántica Agrícola S.A. product in the protection and reduction of sunburn

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Atlantica Agricola S.A. and Universidad de Granada

15/03/2021 - 15/05/2021

Evaluation of the efficacy of PROMISOL biostimulants on the degree of rooting, nutritional status and resistance to salinity in plants

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Bioiberica S.A.U., Universidad de Granada

04/09/2020 - 15/02/2021

Agronomic evaluation of a fertilizer generated by nanocellulose biorefinery from alpeorujo (ALPEOCEL)

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Herogra Fresilizantes S.A. and Universidad de Granada

14/09/2020 - 15/02/2021

Agronomic efficiency of the application of different biostimulants under water deficit conditions in lettuce under field conditions

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities:Sustainable Agro Solutions, S.A., Universidad de Granada, and IFAPA

01/05/2020 - 31/10/2020

Use of different biostimulants as a substitute for nitrogen fertilization in lettuce plants.

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Bioiberica S.A.U. and Universidad de Granada

01/06/2020 - 31/09/2020

Moringa true: Metabolomic and comparative analysis

of ecological moringa true

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: A3Ceres Asesoría Agroalimentaria S.L. and Universidad de Granada

15/11/2019 - 15/03/2020

NOBATEC 3: Evaluation of the efficacy of different silicon prototypes against different doses of cadmium in wheat (Triticum sativum) plants

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Sustainable Agro Solutions, S.A. and Universidad de Granada

15/11/2019 - 28/02/2020

NOBATEC 2: Study of the mechanism of action of different silica prototypes in plants

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Sustainable Agro Solutions, S.A. and Universidad de Granada

23/04/2019 - 15/11/2019

NOBATEC: Study of the mechanism of action of different silica prototypes in plants

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: Sustainable Agro Solutions, S.A. and Universidad de Granada

15/11/2018 - 14/03/2019

Fertisac-Nutriplant R&D&I Program: Agronomic efficiency tests of new fertilizers. II. Inhibitors of urease activity in an extensive maize crop under field conditions.

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: FERTISAC, Universidad de Granada, and IFAPA

01/06/2018 - 31/10/2018

Agronomic efficiency tests of new fertilizers. I. Inhibitors of urease activity in soil under controlled growing conditions.

Collaborating researcher

Participating entities: FERTISAC and Universidad de Granada

02/05/2018 - 01/10/2018