Trevor Pelletier

Teaching, Mathematics, Etcetera

About Me

My name is Trevor Pelletier and I am a Mathematics Instructor at Shoreline Community College.  I grew up in Florida and earned my B.S. in Mathematics with minors in Physics and Music Theory from University of Florida in 2011.  I moved across the country to earn my M.S. in Mathematics from Oregon State University in 2013.  Inside academia, I am interested in making math interesting, engaging, and relevant while emphasizing communication of ideas.  I also am constantly searching for compelling ways to help students access the exciting and creative aspects of the subject.  Outside of academia, I'm interested in playing jazz music and doing both outdoorsy and indoorsy things.

Contact me at tpelletier AT shoreline DOT edu.

These pages include materials I've created for some of the courses I teach.  This content is constantly being updated from term to term.

These pages include some of the personal mathematical things I've made.  You'll find a bit of math, a bit of music and a bit of art here.  

Here is a page of math things that I think are useful, interesting, cool, fun, or all of the above.