Practices and Procedures

Student Support

Wolfville School is pleased to have a number of support services available to our students.

Administrative Services

Wolfville School now has one office for the elementary and middle grades, it is the main office located at the front entrance of the school.

Resource Services

Resource support for students at Wolfville School is intended to serve the needs of students with learning difficulties. These difficulties may be of various types - visual, auditory, motor or cognitive – and affect the student’s ability to work effectively within the regular curriculum. Resource teachers head the Resource Department, with Educational Assistants and community volunteers providing direct support and assistance to students. The resource teachers’ chief duties include: identifying students with learning problems; diagnosing specific disabilities; providing remedial help; developing individual student program plans; working with teachers to adapt classroom instruction to meet individual needs; and helping parents/guardians with home support programs. One of our resource teachers also is responsible for our grade one Reading Recovery Program. Students who have been identified on the Elementary English Language Arts Assessment receive Literacy Support during grades 7 – 9.

ESL - English Second Language

Our school is fortunate to have a multi-cultural population. As a result, we have a number of students whose home language is other than English. ESL (English Second Language) instruction is provided by a ESL tutor for those students who require English language support.

Speech and Language Services

Students experiencing difficulties with speech and language have access to one of the school board’s speech pathologists. This specialist works one day a week at Wolfville School supporting students, staff and parents/guardians. Parents/guardians who think their student would benefit from this service should speak to their teacher.

Counselling Services

The counseling office is located upstairs. Some of the services provided include personal counseling; peer leadership program; placement of students; orientating new students and parents to the school; assisting students and parents who transfer to other schools; assisting students with career choices; and helping students select high school programs and courses. Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to meet with Ms. Watt to become more familiar with the available services.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our students, staff, volunteers and visitors is a priority at Wolfville School. The following policies and procedures reflect our desire to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our school community.

Elementary Safe-Arrival Program

As a safeguard for our students, especially those who walk to school, the Elementary Safe Arrival Program is offered to all students from primary to grade five. Under this program, families are contacted whenever a student is marked absent during attendance and neither the teacher nor the school office is aware of the reason.

For this program to work in the most efficient manner, parent cooperation and support are required.

If an absence is anticipated, please notify your child’s teacher or the office in advance (preferably in writing or by email).

If your child is ill, or there is an unexpected absence, please phone the main office at 542-6050 to let us know that your child will not be at school.

If you do not contact the school, it will be necessary for the school to call you to confirm that your child is safe. To do this we will need your home number and work number.

Please update your contact numbers if they change during the year.


Wolfville School is a Nut Smart School

Some students and staff at Wolfville School have severe allergies to nuts and nut products. Out of respect for those for whom nuts can be life-threatening, please avoid bringing any products that contain, or may contain, nuts onto the school property.

*Please note, there are students with various allergies. Specific classrooms may have individual allergy & products that may be discouraged. This specific information will be communicated as necessary.

Scents and Scented Products Wolfville School is a Scent Smart School

Some members of our school community have allergies and sensitivities to scents. Reactions to perfumes and scented products are as individual as the person. Common reactions are sneezing, coughing, sore throat, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. Other reactions that are not as obvious can be loss of concentration, confusion, irritability, and behavior changes.

We ask that all students, staff, volunteers and visitors to Wolfville School avoid wearing scents or using scented products while on the premises. The most crucial scents to remove from our school’s environment are scented markers, perfumes, colognes, strong deodorants, aftershave, body lotion and scented hair spray. The elimination of scented detergents and fabric softeners would also help decrease annoyance and severe health risk.

We want to provide the healthiest environment possible for everyone at Wolfville School.


Medication can only be supplied or administered to a student by school staff if the necessary consent forms have been completed by the parent/guardian and the school. AVRCE policies in regard to the provision of medication require that:

(i) a consent form be completed that authorizes the school to administer medication, and

(ii) a record be maintained by the school of all medication that has been administered.

Pets on the Property

Pets are not permitted on Wolfville School Property. We have a number of students who are either allergic or frightened of different types of animals and we must respect and provide a safe environment for all. If you walk a pet to pick up a child at school, you must wait off school property.

Leadership Opportunities

Wolfville School offers a wide variety of formal and informal learning opportunities; providing our students with the skills and confidence they need to face the challenges of high school and beyond. Learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom, and include numerous leadership opportunities and extracurricular activities. Below are several examples of the leadership opportunities offered at Wolfville School.

Book Buddies

The Book Buddies elementary reading program is extremely popular among students. Through this integrated grade level experience that pairs upper elementary classes with lower grades, older students have the opportunity to develop and demonstrate leadership skills and gain confidence. At the same time, younger students benefit from having a student mentor who assists them with reading skills, encourages a passion for reading and who often becomes a good friend.

School Advisory Council Student Representatives

The Wolfville School Advisory Council includes representatives from all groups involved in our school community: administration, teachers, non-teaching staff, students, parents and the community-at-large. Students are elected from both the elementary and middle level to represent their peers at School Advisory Council meetings. They are responsible to bring forward concerns shared by their respective student groups and to share their comments and opinions on the many issues being discussed by the group.

Clarity Crew / We are Empowered

Clarity Crew is a leadership program for middle level students. Our Clarity Crew members develop leadership, teamwork and organizational skills through opportunities to provide assistance for a number of school-based activities. In the past, Clarity Crew students have served as tour guides for parents and guardians on the evenings of Parent/Teacher Open House and Parent/Guardian - Teacher meetings, supported special student activities such as the Holiday Bazaar, Family Dances and Fun Fair, and provided child-minding services to allow parents to attend important school meetings.