West Hants Middle School

8009 Highway 14, Newport, NS  B0N 2A0 - Phone: (902) 757-4100 - Email : whms@avrce.ca

Parent Portal



Cafeteria Orders

Students & Families


News and Events

Food for Thought - Cafeteria Ordering

Food for Thought - Message to Families - WHMS.docx
Food for Thought Instructions.docx

Grade 6 Orientation Website - LINK

WHMS VIBE Check Framework Final September

Chromebook Guidelines


School Advisory Council (SAC)

"SACs are advisory bodies to individual school principals, regional centres for education (RCEs), and the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) on a range of issues related to their local schools and the overall school system."

"SAC membership can vary, but generally consists of the school principal, parents/guardians, teachers, other school staff, students, and community members. SAC membership should reflect the diversity of the school community. "

Please visit this Nova Scotia Department of Education Link for more information.

If you wish to get in contact with the WHMS School Advisory Council, please email avrce-sac-whms@gnspes.ca or use the contact form:

grade 5 students 2023-2024.docx
orientation 2023-2024.pdf

West Hants Middle School Cafeteria Menu 

** All Daily Lunch Specials are $4.50 (does not include a drink). See calendar above**

Available daily (while supplies last)

Chicken & Ham Wraps - $4.50

Sandwiches (Ham, Egg, Tuna & Chicken Salad) - $4.50

Chicken Caesar Salad - $4.50

Picnic Plate - $4.50

Yogurt Parfait - $2.50

Smoothies - $2.50

Cheese Portion - $1.00

Available daily (while supplies last)

Cheese & Crackers - $1.50

Veggies & Dip - $1.00

Muffins - $1.00

Yogurt - $1.00

Yogurt Tubes - $1.00

Fruit Cups - $1.00

Bottled Water - $1.00

Milk - $.40

Students are not required to preorder their lunch, but it is recommended in order to guarantee their item(s). Any questions can be forwarded to Ms. Macumber at whmscaf@avrce.ca or by phone at 902-757-4118 daily 7 am to 2 pm.

Learning from Home 

gnspes launchpage.mp4

Your Google Account

How to access your Google Account or GNSPES Launchpage from home


Google Classroom

How to find your Google Classroom (or any other Google App) at Home

Please visit the Parent/Student Portal for daily announcements in the daily bulletin.

Click here to get to the Parent Portal.

To access your new Parent Portal Account:

If you experience any issues, please reach out to your student’s school to receive support.

About Us

Our Team

Student Services 

Students & Families






Saber Gear


School Contact Info

West Hants Middle School

8009 Highway 14

Newport, NS  B0N 2A0

Phone: (902)757-4100

Email : whms@avrce.ca

Please visit the Our Team page for contact info for individual staff members.