Grades 4-6 literacy

Grade 4 - Literacy

Gardening Alphabet Brainstorm

Write the letters A-Z on a paper. Find as many words, including science words, connected to

gardening for every letter. Share your words and have the person add additional gardening



Write about a memory from your Memory Jar (activity from Flyer #4). Describe what you

saw, heard, felt, tasted, smelled, so the reader can picture the moment. Add feelings,

thoughts, and actions. Illustrate your writing by creating a picture of the memory.


Make an “expert” list of things you are good at and know how to build or make. Add

pictures/drawings to create a poster to celebrate your skills.

Procedural Writing Rough Draft

Procedural writing provides step by step instructions on how to do something. It has a

beginning/introduction which tells the topic and purpose of the text; a middle/body that lists

the materials needed and the steps to follow; and an end/conclusion that tells what the final

result of following the steps will be.

1. Pick one idea from your expert list or use the gardening activities in the numeracy section

and list the materials needed for the activity.

2. List the steps needed to complete the task chosen in 1 above.

3. Create a sentence that will introduce your procedural writing.

Ex. Making a grilled cheese sandwich is easy.

4. Create a conclusion for your procedural writing.

Ex. Follow these steps and you will make a perfect grilled cheese sandwich.

Procedural Writing Good Copy

Create a good copy of your procedural writing. It must have an introduction, a list of materials

needed, the steps needed to complete the activity (include transition words like first, next,

then, lastly), a conclusion, and illustrations.

Procedural Writing Performance

Read your procedural writing to your teacher, an elder, household member, etc. Ask them for

feedback. Is the writing clear? Are the steps easy to follow? Were any parts confusing? Use

the feedback to make your writing better.

African Proverb

Proverbs are ideas that provide wisdom, truth, and life lessons. African Proverbs help people

understand African culture. Figure out what each means.

● Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.

● The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the second best time is now.

● A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break.

● It takes a village to raise a child.

Challenge: create your own proverb.


View an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, or on tv. Think about the following:

● Who created the message?

● Who is the intended audience?

● Whose point of view is reflected?

● How is the message being sent (consider words and illustrations)?

● What is the purpose of the message?

● How might different audiences interpret/understand the message?

Write, draw or talk about your answers.

Creative Response

Mi'kmaw Ways of Being and Knowing remind us that we are one and are all connected.

Choose one of the ideas below and respond to it using music, art, drama, writing, or dance.

● HONESTY: Be honest with yourself and others. Speak from your heart. Be true to your


● WISDOM: Wisdom is gained through experience and knowledge. To have wisdom is

to know the difference between right and wrong and to apply these qualities to your

daily life.

National Gardening Exercise Day (June 6) Journal

Why do people like to garden? What are the benefits of gardening? How is gardening great

exercise for the mind and body? Why is exercising the mind and body important? What else

can you do to exercise your mind and body? Try one of the “what else” exercises. Share with

a family member or friend.

Make a summer plan. List weekly activities you can do to help exercise your mind and body.

Use ideas from the Living Well section of the flyers for help.

Grade 5 - Literacy



Unscramble the letters to find this week’s Super Word. (Hint: Thinking of others.)

How many words can you create using the letters in the mystery word? Use these words in a story.

The super word last week was encouragement.


Last week you created a setting. Now develop a problem. The problem in a mystery is the most important part. Solving this problem will end your story. Will the problem be a mysterious sound? Is something missing? Be creative. You can talk about your ideas before you write; think about how to organize your thoughts before writing; add details to make your writing interesting; and get feedback and revise.


Think of something that makes you smile. Make a list, draw a picture, tell a story about something that made you smile today or recently. Think of a way to make someone else smile and try it!


Choose a familiar object (things like: your hoodie, a stuffed toy, a poster/picture. Make up a story about your life from the perspective of that object. What would this object say about what you have been up to while at home?


Think of a time you were inspired. Were you inspired by a person? A situation? What inspired you? Capture the time you were inspired through creating a story, poem, song, a piece of art or music.


Practice mindfulness through body movement. Find a spot where you feel relaxed to practice and create some mindful body poses. Stand tall and reach your hands to the air and breathe deeply. How do you feel? Brave? Happy? Strong? Give this pose a name. Create different poses to show different feelings. Practice your poses when you need a mindful break.


Decide on a category (ex: food, animals, places, etc.). Start your list with a word from that category. The next word has to start with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the category is food and the first word is “salmon”, the next word has to start with an “n”, as in “naan bread”. Your next word must begin with an “d”. How many words can you come up with?


Emojis are symbols that show how you feel. Create your own emojis to show different emotions you experience. Label the emotions. Think of a time when you have felt these emotions. If you can, share your emojis with someone. Can they guess what emotion each represents? Can you make a game using your emojis?


Think of someone in your life who teaches or shares knowledge with you. What have you learned from them? Think of a way to show this person you are grateful for them sharing their knowledge with you. Is there something you can teach or share with them?

Grade 6 - Literacy

Mystery Word Challenge

Flyer 4 answers = traditions / traditions

Use the scrambled letters below:

p o c i n m a o n

Make as many different words as you can with the letters from the mystery word. Can you identify the mystery word? (Answer at the end of the Grade 6 Literacy section.)

Animal Perspectives: Treasures & Troubles

Map your yard or your home through the eyes of a living thing. If mapping your yard, view it through the eyes of a squirrel, mouse, bird, etc. If mapping your home, view it through the eyes of a pet, perhaps a cat, dog, hamster, etc. On your map label areas that would attract (treasures) the animal you chose and areas that would be a hazard (troubles) to the animal. Include on your map both big features and small details. Describe what you see.

Paper Airplanes

Today you will be designing and making several different paper airplanes and testing them to see:

  • How far they travel

  • How long they stay airborne

  • How accurate they are in hitting a target

  • If they can do flips, rolls or turns

Record your observations/tests each time. You can change designs or change the type of paper you use. Draw conclusions on the best design and best material for paper planes.

Play with Words

Homophones are words that sound the same, but they have different meanings: hoarse/horse, eye/I, red/read. Make a list of homophones and then see how many you can use in a letter or a story, or create a sketch to represent the meaning of each word.

Respecting our Land

List some ways that people show respect to the land? List some ways that people show disrespect to the land? Prepare a speech, poster, poem, or drawing using your ideas.

My Special Place

Go to or think about a place outdoors that makes you the happiest. What makes this spot special? What sort of things can you do there? Write a journal entry about it.

What I Miss Most

Write a letter to your teacher, explaining to them the thing(s) you miss most about school.

Staying Current

Write a news article about something that has happened in the last 2 weeks. Make sure to include, who, what, where, when, why and how in your article. Don’t forget a catchy headline.

Amazing Me

You are an amazing, talented, and original human being! What makes you different from everybody else? Think about your interests, talents and the special features that make you unique.

  • Choose an object that symbolizes you. Draw it big in the center of your paper.

  • Inside the image, draw several smaller images of things that represent you (hobbies, interests, likes, etc.).

Write a paragraph explaining your symbols. Celebrate you!

Take a Different Perspective

Think about your favourite movie, book or fairy tale and retell the story from another character's perspective. Example: Tell the story of The Three Little Pigs from the perspective of the wolf.


Think of a situation in nature, like a chick hatching from its shell or a baby animal being born. Write a story from the perspective of the animal/chick coming into the world.

Mystery Word Challenge answers = companion