
Do you need a Moodle Classroom?

If you need a Moodle Classroom created, please contact Chris at and fill out the form here. We recommend that you consider using Google Classroom as your Learner Management System of choice.

Unable to Find A Moodle Educator Classroom or Not Able to Login?

Ever login to Moodle and notice your courses have disappeared? Moodle logins are connected to the email address you use.

The username/password combo is the same as your hrce username/password. But for some people, if you logged in with your email or your email those would be considered 2 different accounts. ***Currently you cannot login with @hrce email** If you continue to experience problems, please contact the HRCE help desk at to get your password reset.

Adding Students into a Moodle Classroom

There are two ways to get your students into your course:

Student uses enrollment key

  • When you (the teacher) are editing your course, go to Users, and Enrolment methods.

  • You’ll see Self enrolment (Student) – if it’s greyed out, then click on the eye icon to activate it

  • Once it’s active click the cog icon to go into settings

  • Find Enrolment key and enter the key you want to use (check Unmask, to ensure it’s correct)

  • Scroll down and click Save changes

  • Give the Enrolment key to the students who are in your course

  • Give them the following instructions:

    1. Please visit Nova Scotia Virtual School Site:

    2. Login using your username and the appropriate password (HRSB teachers can use their full @hrsb email address as the username and appropriate password)

    3. Once you get logged in, click All courses… on the left

    4. Select NS School Boards, then HRSB section, then Blended Learning

    5. Select “Blended Learning – High School Courses” (or “Blended Learning – Elementary Classes” or “Blended Learning – Junior High Classes/Courses” depending on your situation)

    6. Find and click your desired course. (Courses are in alphabetical order by school, subject/topic, and teacher.)

    7. You will be prompted for a one time Enrollment Key. Your teacher/colleague will provide you with this key

    8. Once you are enrolled in the course, you will then be able to access content and participate in the course.

    9. The next time you log in, this course will appear under the Courses or My Courses section

You (the teacher) assign the role of student

  • In order for this method to work, each student will have to have logged in to NSVS at least once. (In other words, they would have to complete steps A & B above.)

  • When you (the teacher) are editing your course, go to Users, then Enrolled users

  • Click the Enrol users button

  • If you are adding students to your Moodle, ensure the Assign roles dropdown indicates Student

  • Search for the student you want to add in the search field – you can search by email address or name. Hint: searching on full email address will give you faster results. Searching on name could give you numerous people from which to choose.

  • Select the correct student from the list and click the Enrol button

  • You can continue to search and select

  • When you’ve enrolled all students you can then click Finish enrolling students