Welcome to our Learning Community!

Friday, April 26: Day A

Monday, April 29: Day B

Tuesday, April 30: Day C

Wednesday, May 1: Day D

Thursday, May 2: Day A

Friday, May 3: Day B - Stoffer out/Sub in. 

What's going on at lunch:

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - Library Makerspace (3rd floor) open (all are welcome)

Wednesday - Library Makerspace, Indigenous drumming group (all are welcome)

Other Notes/Announcements:

*Want to meet with Stoffer to discuss student programming? email: jstoffer@hrce.ca

*D&D club with Mr Miller & Stoffer Fridays - until 5pm. (1st floor science lab) 

Fridays at lunch: Popcorn on sale for 2$/bag. Money goes to fund special projects and events through the learning centre! :) 

Our Values:

The flag above is the Disability Pride flag - created in 2019 by disability activist Ann Magill. The five diagonal lines represent unique qualities within the disability community (neurodivergence, psychological disabilities, physical disabilities, undiagnosed disabilities and hidden disabilities, etc) and symbolizes disabled people breaking down barriers. The parallell lines are connected in solidarity and strike through the middle of the black background that represents ableist oppression, a symbol of how working together in community can be an act of revolution and anti-ableism. 

School Schedule:

Period 1 9:20 -10:35

Period 2 10:40 - 11:55

Lunch 11:55 - 12:45

Period 3 12:50 - 2:05

Period 4 2:10 - 3:25

Rotating Day Schedule

Day A Day B Day C Day D

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 1

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Block 3 Block 4 Block 1 Block 2

Block 4 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3

Inclement weather info at HRCE (you can sign up for automatic texts/messages when schools are closed) https://www.hrce.ca/weather 

Google Classroom Info

Room 215, extension - 5701215 (during school hours)



Helpful Community Links:

JL Ilsley website: https://jli.hrce.ca/

HRCE website: https://www.hrce.ca/

Department of Education website: http://www.ednet.ns.ca/sac

Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia: https://www.disabilityrightscoalitionns.ca/

Autism Nova Scotia: https://www.autismnovascotia.ca/

Youth Project: https://youthproject.ns.ca/

Laing House: https://www.lainghouse.org/ 

Gender Affirming Care NS: https://sites.google.com/view/gacinnovascotia/home

Halifax Public Libraries: https://www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca/ 

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network: https://autisticadvocacy.org/ 

African Heritage Month: https://www.ahm.bccnsweb.com/wp/home/ 

Native Friendship Centre: https://wijewinen.ca/ 

Stimpunks Mutual Aid Organization (US) https://stimpunks.org/ 

Post-Secondary transition support/employment opportunities:

Achieve program (NSCC): https://www.nscc.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/plandescr.aspx?prg=ACHV&pln=ACHIEVECOC  - Application process can start in Grade 11

Club Inclusion: https://theclubinclusion.com/ 

Ready Willing Able https://readywillingable.ca/

Dartmouth Adult Service Centre https://www.dasc-ns.ca/

New Leaf Enterprises https://www.easterseals.ns.ca/new-leaf-enterprises/

Nova Scotia Inclusive Employment Collaborators https://www.nsiec.works/ 

Stoffer's Schedule (Semester 2 - February to June) - Subject to change depending on student support requirements: 

Block 1: Social Literacy and Technology

Block 2: Student support

Block 3: Safe and Healthy Environments in room 238

Block 4: Student support

Course Overview:

Social Literacy and Technology

SLT is a course designed to encourage community building, self advocacy and personal growth in each student.

Students will be learning about their individual identities and each other as we focus on topics such as self-advocacy, digital literacy, community building, and disability justice/disability pride.

There will be frequent opportunity for students to learn from guest speakers, do hands on projects, and work to identify their own access needs in school, and beyond. 

What's going on?

Library class (programming with Ms. Smith)

Topics: digital citizenship/safety, navigating online library services, library cards, using library services, research skills, and more!

Students will also have the opportunity to use the JL maker space and learn how to make a variety of media. 

Upcoming class guests/events:

*Are you a guardian who has an interesting skill or lived experience you'd like to share with the class as a guest speaker? We'd love to hear from you! - jstoffer@hrce.ca


This is so we know what materials are left and which ones are no longer available so we can let students know before they plan a project

 this is because many people come in and use materials without Ms. Smith knowing - and the makerspace does not have the money to replace materials, if the makerspace is closed it stays closed

The makerspace has to be shared with 1000 students and their teachers, if we use too much of the supplies that creates unfairness in school and prevents students from participating equally

The electronics must be treated with care and respect, if they break they will not be replaced 

So Ms. Smith can notify the office of missing supplies and update the inventory (everything in a school costs money) 

Chromebook Care:

Disabled Person of the Month!

Haben Girma (1988-present)

Haben Girma is an American disability rights advocate, and the first deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School.

Haben believes disability is an opportunity for innovation, and she teaches organizations the importance of choosing inclusion