
17 July 2024

GACNS has decided not to participate in the 2024 Halifax Pride parade. After discussions with community members and internal reflection, we are concerned about TD's inclusion as a primary sponsor of the Halifax Pride Festival. TD is directly invested in weapons manufacturers participating in the Israeli genocide of Gaza and the Occupied West Bank and is on the BDS list. We acknowledge the position that Halifax Pride finds itself in, having signed an agreement with TD last fall and the legal ramifications that Pride may face in dissolving this contract; however, this does not change our comfort level in participating in the pinkwashing of companies financially benefiting from genocide. We are happy to hear that Halifax Pride is committed to finding alternative funding solutions in the future and we plan to resume our participation in Pride activities once TD is no longer a sponsor of the Festival. 

We want to apologize to our supporters who have been looking forward to marching with us in the parade this weekend, and we want to thank those participants who have already reached out with their support for our decision.

Buy your GACNS shirt or tank top while supplies last!