Tips for Teachers

ALL Classroom teachers can use the Self Service Admin to change student GNSPES passwords

Hopefully you know that logging into your GNSPES account at gives you the ability as a classroom teacher to set/update the passwords of the students you teach. Here's a step-by-step how-to document CLICK HERE. Best practice for Grades 4-12 is to reset and FORCE the student to select a STRONG password of their own!

HELPFUL TIP: Click on the Self Service Admin icon and login with your OWN gnspes credentials.

Missed out on EECD's Summer Learning Academy?

For four and half days beginning the last week in July, the (Virtual) version of the EECD's Summer Learning Academy happened online, free for all to attend. Maybe you heard about it after the fact? Almost every session (over 100) were recorded (in Google Meet), and are gradually becoming available on the EECD YouTube Channel. As well, you can check out the many slide decks that were posted for ALL for the Summer Learning Academy offerings by clicking HERE on the GNSPES Landing Page.

Looking for a G-Suite App, Chrome Extension or Other Digital Resource for students?

Use the Google form on the left to submit requests for G-Suite apps, extensions or any OTHER proposed digital resources to be reviewed by the Provincial DRA (Digital Resource Assessment) Committee for G-Suite (GNSPES). Before submitting a NEW request, you should examine the Provincial Approved Resources page on the eLearning site.