Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

For the upcoming school year, Sydney Mines Middle School will return to being closed campus during lunchtime. The bell schedule for the 2023-2024 school year will be revised to accommodate this change.  The bell schedule will continue to incorporate an early bell in the morning and at lunch to prompt students to prepare for an organized and safe entry into the school.


                              8:40             Line up/Entry bell 

                                       8:45 - 9:45  First period 

                                       9:45 - 10:45 Second period 

                                      10:45 -10:55 Recess 

                                      10:55 -11:55 Third period 

                                      11:55 -12:35 Lunch  

                                      12:35           Line up/Entry Bell 

                                      12:40 - 1:40 Fourth period 

                                      1:40   - 2:40 Fifth period 

         2:40            Dismissal pending Bus Arrival  



Arrival at School – Walking students and students being dropped off at school are asked to arrive at school as close to 8:30 am as possible.  This will assist the staff in ensuring that supervision guidelines are being followed to ensure student safety.  Students are expected to be in all classes at the required times. Students who are late at the beginning of the morning or afternoon must obtain a late slip at the office before entering class.  

Grounds Supervision 

7:45am - 8:50am

11:50pm - 1:00pm

2:45pm - 3:00pm

Sydney Mines Middle School  provides supervision for all students inside the school building and on school property before school, during the morning break, lunch time, and after school. Supervision is provided by the Bus/Lunch/Grounds Supervisors as well as the administration and teaching staff.  To ensure a safe environment during lunch, children are required to bring their required outdoor clothing to the lunchroom in order to avoid unsupervised access to the school during lunchtime.  Students are required to leave their lunch bags in the lunchroom after eating and must collect their lunch items upon entering the school at 12:35pm.    Students are expected to arrive at school appropriately dressed.  This, of course, means that the students dress for the weather conditions, as, unless it is extremely cold or it is raining, children are expected to go outdoors before school, and at lunchtime due to supervision concerns affecting all our students.