Post-Secondary Information

I have included some quick links for some, but not all, of the Post-Secondary Institutions and Programs in Atlantic Canada. Students can find information regarding programs, admission requirements and financial assistance. Several schools have put together webinars to walk students through their programs, virtual tours, the application process, and answer any other questions students and parents may have. I have only highlighted certain pages. More information can be found if you go directly to the school or program's specific website. New information will be added as I receive updates weekly. Please email me if you have questions.

AARAO membership includes 35+ Post-Secondary Institutions in the Atlantic Provinces, Ontario and Maine, USA. The quick links above only include those schools that are most frequently asked about. If you are looking for other post-secondary opportunities you may find what you are looking for here 

If you wish to apply to Post-secondary Education In Ontario, you must apply through the Ontario Universities Applications Center (OUAC).

See Mrs. MacDonald if you have questions.