NS Student Assistance

When can I apply?

The 2020-2021 Application is now open

Student Assistance is fully operational, except that we are delivering our services entirely online at this time (i.e. no phone-in service).


How do I start?

Students can create a MyPATH account any time.

Students with questions about the application or their own assessment should use the AskUs feature.

The AskUs feature inside MyPATH is a secure environment, so you can give us whatever personal details you need to in order to get help.

Anyone can use our TEMPORARY email address:  stuasst@gov.ns.ca 

How can I stay connected?

Twitter and Facebook are the primary source of all updates to our program and any future announcements we make this next while. General questions will be answered through them (including by direct message) however students should not send personal info via social media, even in a private message. Also, they may find MyPATH gets them a faster response and is the right way to go if they need someone to look into their personal file, reset a password, etc.