1) What is O2?  O2 is a 3 year career exploration program. The focus is on learning about possible post-secondary education, choosing programs, careers, financing studies and transition after high school. Students should expect to gain knowledge, skills and experience from guest speakers, field trips, service learning and co-operative education placements. 

2) How many students are accepted?  The O2 program is limited to 20 students in each group.  At PVEC, there are two groups of 02 students, which means a total of 40 students will be accepted into 02. There is an application to be completed and every student who applies goes through an interview process.

3) Does it limit my post-secondary options?  Absolutely not!  Students gain the skills and experience they need to make an informed decision about the next step in their lives, whether it is university, community college, or the workforce.

4) What courses do you have to take?  When you are in the O2 program you must take the following courses: Career Development 10, Community Based Learning 11 and three 80-hour Cooperative Education courses.

5) What is CO-OP?  Students work in a field of their choice for 80 hours. Hours for work terms are flexible and usually arranged to suit the needs of the employer and the student. It is considered a high school credit and some universities recognize it as a course for admission. The emphasis in co-op is for the student to explore and experience a career that they are considering as a destination after high school.


6) What are some of the activities I could expect to take part in as an O2 student?  We welcome guest speakers from various walks of life; we take field trips to colleges, universities and industrial settings. Students also have the opportunity to complete many credentials including First Aid/CPR, WHMIS Safety Training and Food Handler Safety Training. Students will also participate in school and community based projects.