Student and Teacher Expectations

Treat Yourself and Others  with Respect

Prioritize Safety

Work Hard to Improve

Ask Questions

Have fun!

Students and teachers will follow the         

Provincial Code of Conduct  

Goals of our Programs

Physical & Mental Health Promotion            

Improve Physical Literacy    

Improve Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

Improve Game Strategies/Tactical Awareness

Improve Decision Making Skills

                 Develop a Growth Mindset                  


Mrs. Wamboldt:

Mr. Nodding:

Mr. Scott:

Mr. Himmelman:

Physical Literacy

Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.

Physically literate individuals consistently develop the motivation and ability to understand, communicate, apply, and analyze different forms of movement.

They are able to demonstrate a variety of movements confidently, competently, creatively and strategically across a wide range of health-related physical activities.

These skills enable individuals to make healthy, active choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of their whole self, others, and their environment.

PHE Canada