Greg Scott Jeff Nodding

(902)634-2200 (902)634-2200

New Assessment Policy (2022)

Communication for 4-point scale


Learner Profile

  1. Classwork and Assignments - participating in class activities and completing assignments in class and/or at home.

  2. Interactions with Others - positive interactions with classmates and teachers.

  3. Organizational Skills - changes into appropriate clothing and footwear

(an alternate location can be provided for students who would prefer that to the locker room setting)

4. Responsibility and Independence - on task and are self motivated during class activities.

Numerical Grade

Observation - during class activities the students are being assessed on their ability to meet the outcomes using our professional judgement.

Product - students will be asked to provide evidence of their learning and mastery of the outcomes through written/digital assignments or activities.

Conversation - students will engage in conversations with peers and teachers to demonstrate understanding of the outcomes.