Covid -19 Resources

Tips For Thriving For All Ages

Keep a Routine - As much as possible try to go to bed and get up at regular times. Create routines like making your bed, having meals at regular hours. Maintain family routines or create new ones, such as game night, movie night, bedtime stories,etc. Good sleep hygiene tips. 😴

Get Outside - Even though we think our world is changing dramatically, the rhythms and patterns of nature remind us that there are predictable patterns in the world if we pay attention. Getting outside in fresh air makes a big difference to a person's outlook. Even if just in your yard or on your deck, front steps or walkway, for a game of hopscotch, to toss a ball or to simply sit and read, your mood will improve.

Stay Physically Active - Whether you can get outside or not, maintaining a certain level of physical activity is key for physical and mental health.

Keep Your Brain Active- Reading is an excellent way to keep your brain active and you will find many read aloud versions of children's popular books on YouTube. The Read Aloud Canadian Books Program offers Canadian read aloud books. Other ways of keeping your brain active is by playing board games, card games, I Spy, making crafts, baking, word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, etc. Learn a new skill from the many on-line options- How to play an instrument, DIY projects, and gardening, try new recipes….

De-clutter: It’s a great time to clean out that closet or garage, re-vamp your wardrobe. You’re bound to find past treasures. Perhaps you’ll be reminded of things you used to enjoy doing but haven’t done in a long time- taking photographs, playing the recorder or ukulele....

It's an important time to also de-clutter the mind: Notice if you're becoming overwhelmed, anxious, having trouble sleeping, not able to turn-off your stress... That's when it's important to connect with others.

Stay Connected - Physical distancing and isolation can make anyone feel lonely. It can heighten worries or stresses and makes coping more difficult. Taking time to connect with each other as a family is important each day. Even though we cannot engage in our regular social activities outside of the home, we can stay in touch through phone calls, texts, and through video chats. Re-connect with the art of letter writing. It’s a great way for young students to practice their printing and for older students to learn the lost art of cursive writing. Grandparents love to receive letters.

Limit Your News Intake - It’s important to staying informed and update however, constantly bombarding yourself and family members with information can significantly increase anxiety levels. Make an effort to only check news stories a few days per week or once a day at the very most. Also try to verify that the sources of information that you consult are reliable. Screen time information for parents

Stay focused on the Future - This is an opportunity for all of us to press the re-set button. This will get better.