




General Information:

Welcome to the 2020 / 2021 School year:

Please follow this website and the specific class website page for any communication to families and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns throughout this school year. I look forward to meeting and working with my students and while I understand that there have been many ups and downs to the previous school years, I will be working closely with my students to help adjust to these changing times.

Communication Plan for Parents and Students:

Contact: At any time if students or parents have any questions, I can be contacted at the following email or by calling 902-384-2320 ext 780-2305. 


Powerschool: Powerschool is updated weekly and parents / students can log on to monitor progression of assessments and marks.

Webpage/classroom: My google classroom is updated regularly with an ongoing list of course material including notes, assignments, documents and review material. All O2 trip dates and information is located on my class webpage and updated regularly.

Missing Assignments: 

In accordance with the HRCE Assessment and Evaluation Policy, late assignments may not be accepted at the discretion of the teacher. If, due to an extenuating circumstance an extension is required, it is the responsibility of the student to ask for one before the due date has arrived. 

Policy on late work: Students who need more time need to check in about the issue prior to the due date. We will work out a reasonable time line given the situation. After one extended deadline has passed, evaluation of the assignment is at the discretion of the teacher. 


Assessment is the process of gathering, from a variety of sources, information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the learning outcomes in a course. 

Types of assessments that will be used in class  and are designed to meet the course outcomes may included ( but are not limited to), the following:


Evaluation is the process of analyzing, reflecting upon and summarizing assessment information and making judgments / decisions based on the information gathered and learned. 

Evaluations are outcome based. Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate understanding of the outcomes using a variety of assessment tools listed above. Descriptors for percentage grades are as follows:

90-100% - Demonstrates excellent understanding and application of the concepts and sills in relation to the outcomes.

80-89% - Demonstrates very good understanding and application of the concepts and sills in relation to the outcomes.

70-79% - Demonstrates good understanding and application of the concepts and sills in relation to the outcomes. 

60-69% - Demonstrates satisfactory understanding and application of the concepts and sills in relation to the outcomes. 

50-59% - Demonstrates limited understanding and application of the concepts and sills in relation to the outcomes. 

> 50% - Has not met minimum requirements of the course. 

INS - Insufficient evidence to determine grade. 

IP - In progress until all components have been completed.

Classroom Expectations:


If you have any difficulties, please talk to me about the problem right away.  Communication is a key part to success, so letting me know about an issue early can help solve the problem. Communication methods may include: powerschool, phone calls, emails, communication logs, report cards, curriculum night, and parent-teacher interviews.

Extra help sessions will always be made available at lunch by requests. 

I look forward to a successful year!