Eastern Shore District High 

Ms. d'Entremont

School Counsellor 

How to make an appointment

If you would like to meet with me, there is a sign up sheet outside of my office where you can leave your name or you can send me an email at : lise.dentremont@hrce.ca

What is a School Counsellor?

School Counsellors are caring adults who work in your school to help you and your classmates. School Counsellors, are here to help you in times of need - I'm here to listen, without judgement.

Overwhelmed by classwork? Scared because your parents are splitting up? Worried about a friend? Feel like you don't fit in?

Sometimes it's just not possible to sort through tough times alone. Problems can build up and you may lose sleep, find you can't concentrate on school, or even have big feelings that you're not sure how to deal with.