What is a School Advisory Council (SAC)?

School Advisory Councils bring together school stakeholders and individuals from local communities who share an interest in promoting student success. They provide parents/guardians, school staff, community members and when appropriate, students, with a voice to influence decisions that have an impact on student learning and well-being. As advisory bodies, SAC’s bring partners together to provide principals and regional centers of education (RCE’s) with advice that reflects the best interests of students from the point of view of the school community. 

If you wish to join our SAC team please email us at

Next meeting October 18 @ 6:30 PM @Malcolm Munroe

SAC Family of Schools Meeting: November 21 @ Riverview High School@6:30 PM

SAC Meeting March 6th@ Memorial High School, Sydney Mines @ 6 PM

SAC Meeting Wednesday, April 10, 2024. 6:30 PM

SAC Members 

SAC Meeting Dates

Wednesday, October 18 @Malcolm Munroe 6:30 PM

Tuesday, November 21@ Riverside School

Wednesday, March 6th @ Memorial High School @6 PM

Wednesday, April 10 @ Malcolm @ 6:30 PM

SAC Minutes

Malcolm Munroe Middle School

School Advisory Council Meeting 

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Present: Stephanie Campbell, Lynn McInnis, Kim Sultan

SAC Meeting Agenda/Minutes April 10, 2024

Present: Stephanie Campbell, Lyn McInnis, Rhyan Coleman, Marie Lou Hamilton, Lisa MacEachern and Tim Burns 

!. SSP Update

Update on Literacy, Math and  School Culture Goals: The school is now working on their third cycle for goals.

2. Staffing 2024-2025-TBA

3. Upcoming Events: Grade 8 Assessments-May 21-June 4

June 13- Honours Night-Grade 8, June 18- Awards Day, June 20- Grade 8 Party

4. Rain Garden- Plans are underway to put a rain garden in front of the school. Operations staff is supporting this endeavor.

5. Innovation Fund: Looking for input on suggestions. Will discuss with school staff as well.

6. Cafeteria: TBA

7. Finances: School trips/one per class. Money for sports uniforms TBA. SAC Funds used to support substitutes as teachers work on school Literacy and Math goals.

Malcolm Munroe Advisory Council Bylaws