
General Information

What is a LD? - Definition and an explanation of LD.

Common Terms - Glossary of terms often used when discussing LD’s.

Teaching Students with a LD - Information and resources for teaching students with learning disabilities.

SSRCE Helping LD Students- Have You Tried?- Easy-to-use checklist of strategies for different types of LD learners.

Executive Functioning- Information and resources to help your students get organized.

Flags for LD Identification

Common Signs from Preschool to Adult

LD Checklist

This checklist helps identify possible areas of concern.

Intervention & Assessment

Learning Disorders/Learning disabilities may be informally flagged by observing significant delays in the child's skill development.  An actual diagnosis of a learning disorder/learning disability is made using standardized tests that compare the child's level of ability to what is considered normal development for a person of that age and intelligence.


KLLIC, Reading Recovery, Early Literacy Support (ELS), Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing (LiPS), Visualization & Verbalization (VV), Seeing Stars & On Cloud Nine 


School-Based: PRIME, Level B (Woodcock Mastery Reading  Mastery Test, KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment)

Specialists:  Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Assistive Technology (AT), Occupational Therapist (OT), Physiotherapist (PT), Psychologists

Are Labels Helpful or Harmful?


Once a student receives a diagnosis of LD, through PsychoEducational testing, the following occurs:

1.  Feedback session with psychologist, LD services, student planning team and family.

2.  Referral to LD Services through TIENET.

3.  Once referred by the school team, LD Services will consult with student.

4.  Implementation of recommendations from assessment and specialists.

5.  Monitor student progress, document and adapt as required.

Lending Library

Books, resources and testing kits are available for loan, please contact LD Services.

Learning Support

Atomic Learning

Online technology training and professional development tool for educators.  Accessible via web or app.  SSRCE subscription - contact your school tech for login information.

Khan Academy

Over 4200 free videos to support learning; sections for teachers and students, track and individualize learning.


Online middle school math software features rich and engaging content that enables students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve real-world math problems. Guided by NCTM math standards for grade 6, 7, and 8, math learning is made interesting and fun.  Free & paid apps also available.

Math Homework Hub

Online one on one math support with a teacher.


Assistive Technology Website - SSRCE

Technology Toolkit for UDL in the Classroom

EdTech Teacher - Match class outcomes with apps.


UDL Guidelines

Helping Kids Handle Worry