My Blog

           (The opinions listed below are strictly my own!)

My top twelve best tips I can give new teachers - November 7, 2023

New teachers are ready, willing and eager to get into the system.  However, most will feel overwhelmed very quickly into a new year and tend to break down quickly.  Here are the best pieces of advice I can give you as you embark on your journey into teachership (if that's a word!):

A teacher's daily routine - December 14, 2022

Lately, I have been noticing that my routine as a teacher is becoming very repetitive and mundane, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to outline how my typical day goes.  I guarantee that most other teachers operate in this way as well.

Wake up around 5:30AM and do my normal routines...shower, eat breakfast, teeth brush, scramble to make lunch for myself and seven year old.  Wake up seven year old, make them breakfast, get them changed and ready for school.  Usually, this will be a rush to make it to 8AM departure.  Drop daughter off to school.

I usually arrive at school at around 8:20AM.  The coffee gets brewed quickly!  Then, I sit at my computer for 30 minutes or so getting final preps made for the day's classes, emails can be returned and addressed and loose ends are patched up.

Then the day begins...usually teaching for the entire day without breaks.  As I finish lessons taught, I will sit and mark.

Lunch is a quick 30 minutes of eating and continuing the marking process.  

The afternoon begins, with little or no break again for 3 hours.  Teach, help, mark, repeat!

As the school day ends, home life begins.  Usually rushing to get supper prepared before Brownies, swimming, hockey or piano starts.

Before long, it is 8PM and the process begins again to get child ready for bed.  By the time it is 10PM, I'm exhausted.  Very little time for me time!

Then we wake up and begin again.

Weekend?  What's that?

So why do I continuously do this?  Because I love it...I love every second of my day that I can perform during the job I love and be with the people and family that I adore.

If I could ever give a tip to any new teacher coming up...try your best not to take your work home with you.  Home time is family time and should not be used for anything other than that.  Arrive early and get your prep completed.

Don't give's a tough job but its rewards far outweigh the negatives.

Back to Square One - October 14, 2021

To be honest, the whole start to the school year has been a great big blur.  Yes, we know that we are now learning to live with COVID, and yes, we know that this means change into our routines and way of life.  The uncertainty of moving forward is a constant battle and struggle that we, in education, experiencing on a daily basis.  

I will give credit where credit is due...the new focus of well being is a breathe of fresh air.  We have known for years that when you have happy students and happy staff, results will show.  

Now the question will become with the delivery.  We are now 1 and a half months into our school year and little has changed.  Students still struggle with coping, even though many will not say that.  They are addicted to their social media, choosing a money job over completing a project for school, and not seeming to care that we are in a pandemic (mask over your nose, please!).

So what do we need to better?  Do we even need to do anything?  The short answer is yes we do...and by we...I mean everybody.  We need to show some respect and compassion to those around us.  Maybe they have lost a love one recently...maybe their parent just got fired from a job.  Maybe they struggle to put food on the table.  

Educators...realize that this is becoming the norm and that adjustments need to be made on our behalf.  We must shift our focus to our student's mental health and our own as well.

Students...realize that you are not going to get a free ride.  You need to work just as hard as us and be mindful of that.  Mental health is important for everyone. 

Parents...realize that we as educators are human and that we make mistakes too.  Our goal is the same...for our children to be successful.  

Government, realize that change needs be made and it starts from the top.

Let's all work together to share this common goal...student success and achievement.  But, let's do it with our masks on!

Sometimes, it's the little things - April 9, 2021

Teaching is a profession that require a lot of patience, a lot of knowledge and a lot of sympathy.  A teacher is one who inspires, guides, enlightens and motivates.  A teacher touches lives forever and is a tireless dedicated professional.  We strive for excellence in ourselves and the students we teach.  

When we see students fall through the crack, we crack a little ourselves and wonder how could we have let this happen.  Believe it or not, teachers also have breaking points.  We are working on improving ourselves just as much as our students.  Sometimes, it's the little things that take us to this point.  Why should we re-explain the lesson to the student who showed up 10 minutes late for class?  Why did that person leave their garbage on their desk as they left?  Why should we constantly be on that student who won't put their social media away?  Why did you contact that student's parent about their progress?  There is one answer to all of these. ..because we care!  We care that you may not be getting the education that they are entitled to get.  We care that something may be on the student mind from outside of the classroom.

Long story short, teachers are in this profession to see you succeed.  We love to see our former students successfully in the public life succeeding!  That's why we are always on your case...success! 

What is a leader? - March 9, 2021

Lately, we've all been going through a tough time.  We know that there is a global pandemic and we know that our norm is not the norm.  And, we know that the new norm will be a different norm going forward.  This time has taken an extreme tole on everyone.

Our education system has been put to the test.  We, as educators, have been asked to ensure that our students receive the safest and most effective education during a time where the norm is not the norm.  We've been asked to be leaders.  Leaders?  Yup, leaders.  I had to take a second to fathom this.  Shouldn't we be followers and ensure that we are following the outlined guidelines?  Shouldn't we conform to what is being asked of us?  Shouldn't we "go with it"?

Then I took a second look and thought about leadership.  Leadership is any action where people take a role of responsibility and show initiative to do so.  Even though I have always thought that leadership is begin "front and centre", it is actually the daily routines of any teacher...and any student for that matter.  Teachers are leaders because they strive to better the people that they are education.  Students are leaders for accepting that role and speaking up for themselves.  Your voice is the key.  We are all leaders in our own way.  We display it through a variety of ways...through organizing a baseball game, to helping your partner with a question to a hard math problem, to saying "thank you" at the end of a class for what information you've received.

Leadership does not and should not be a focus and a is something that is in our daily conventions.   Leadership is wanting to improve yourself.  Leadership is accepting that you are not perfect and mistakes will be made.  Being a leader is not long as you are willing to embrace other's leadership in return.

What's with the obsession? - February 22, 2021

So I'd be the first one to step up to bat and tell you that cell phones are a benefit to have in the classroom.  They provide a needed tool that is lacking in most classrooms today.  It allows student the opportunity to be held accountable for their technology instead of placing a school based piece of technology in their hands that may be destroyed or not compatible.  It is their calculator, alarm clock and source of information at the palm of their hand.  So why an I starting to lean the other way lately?

It is becoming more and more apparent that students are given phones without being monitored by people who should be.  The amount of texting, game playing and social media being used in the classroom is getting too much.  Yes, we are in the middle of a pandemic and yes, depression is becoming more and more of a problem within our schools.  But the answer is not to defer to these devices to keep them engaged.  The amount of students with a phone out while a teacher is teaching is ridiculous and quite frankly, rude.

Now again, I fully support technology in the classroom.  I think that we are all in and we cannot go backwards.  But, the absolute reliance and dependence on the device in class is getting out of control.  Students are struggling because they are not receiving the information they need from their teacher.  They are getting phone calls in the middle of class from parents.  They are receiving texts from their peers telling them to meet them on the second floor at lunch time.  THEY ARE NOT MANAGING THEIR TIME PROPERLY...because of all of these unnecessary distractions in class.

Your phone needs to be out of sight, out of mind in the classroom.  Place them in your bag, pocket or somewhere you cannot view it.  Bring it out when asked to by your teacher, and use this privilege as needed in the classroom. 

Pandemic Teaching - February 1, 2021

What a year so far!  We have had our first...and second taste of what online teaching and learning looks like.  Let's face is not pretty.

Teachers and students were placed in a precarious position in March when we were ripped out of our classrooms and told to start teaching and learning online.  Were we ready?  Absolutely not!  Were we motivated?  Nope!  Were we willing to do what it takes to succeed?  You betcha!  It really goes to show how our world can be changed in an instant and how important it is to look into the future.

How did we do?  Well, for the most part, not bad!  Of course there was bound to be some hiccups, like faulty wi-fi connections and an unwillingness from some to participate.  However, nothing can beat a face-to-face conversation with teachers and students.  Talking without the use of a screen between the two built a confidence from both avenues.  Let's be honest...March to June was hard.  The balance between how much to assign, dealing with our own mental health and getting a lot of mixed messages on how to proceed added to the fuel.

Enter September.  Hello September :)  We missed you!  Needless to say, September was the most difficult start to a school year that I've ever experienced.  It was full of new protocols, new duties and beginnings.  Teaching students to walk on the proper side of the hallway, how to properly wear a mask and how to work with peers sounded easy on paper.  It is in our DNA that we socialize with our friends, that we work in groups and that we do anything in our power to feel "well".  Summarizing again, September was hard. what?  Students quickly began to realize what they can and can't do.  Nope, there is not an attendance policy, so I can show up anytime I want.  Due dates?  What are they?  It was becoming increasingly apparent that our worst enemy was complacency.  Then, wave two began...and everything went back to the new norm pretty quickly.  Everyone made the realization that this is our consequence for being complacent.

Now, we are beginning to quickly realize that the normal of the past can only be achieved if we follow the new normal.

The last thing we want as educators is to return to last spring.  We want to be face to face with our students, to give them the authentic learning experience that we all need and deserve.  So, let's all do our part.  Yes, wear your mask properly.  Yes, sanitize as you walk into my classroom.  Yes, listen to the public health guidelines.  There is no reason to take a step back.  

Tips for New Teachers - May 8, 2019

It's been a while since I posted anything on my blog, as sometime, life gets in the way.  Balancing home life and work life is a stressful feeling.  However, it's that "good" stress that makes you better, and wants you to improve your overall self.

Many people are saying that our profession is in "crisis" mode, and that becoming a teacher is a thankful and hard profession to begin.  The trends that are occurring in our schools are alarming when it comes to staffing.  Substitutes teachers are like an animal on the extinction list, they are few and far between.  We live in a society where teachers are underappreciated.  Too many horror stories are coming from people who have chosen to leave the industry, citing conflicting issues with the direction that our system is heading.  True?  Not necessarily.

So why are people shying away from the education industry?  Becoming a teacher is a long and extensive process.  Many of the courses that are being offered at the university level for people who are desiring to becoming teachers do not prepare them for the real life situations that is in the classroom.  I would have killed to have courses offered in university that gave me a real-life look at what issues are arising in the classroom, from mental health issues, to cell phone use and abuse.  We instead hear of courses that revolve around teacher philosophy, lesson planning and curriculum implementation.  Although these courses help with the process, it does not help with the harsh reality...that teachers are more than just teachers.

We are friends, coaches, resolver of issues, a shoulder to cry on.  We need to be there...available...and willing to accept criticism.

The only way to becoming a good teacher is to fail.  You need to try an activity...and fail.  It is the only way that you will get better.   That's what makes a great teacher.  The first couple of years will be rough.  You're finding your niche.  It took me 5 years to realize where I wanted to be and what direction I wanted to go.

So, don't give up.  I've met too many great teacher who have waled away because it was too much for them.  Don't walk away when everything is not coming up roses.  Make mistakes, learn from them and make yourself better!  Chin up :) 

The evolution of technology in the classroom - April 18, 2018

When I began teaching in 2001, technology was a big thing.  It was before the evolution of the cell phone, which is now a staple in every students pocket.  It was an era where LCD projectors began their ascent into the classroom and that teachers began to use PowerPoint as a dynamic way to introduce their lessons.  My, how times have changed in such a short period.  The new norms include that ever present cell phone, chromebook and IPad carts a plenty and smartboards in the front of most rooms. 

But, have things really changed?

Technically yes, but traditionally, no.  Teachers are tasked each and every day with inspiring students through creating a dynamic and engaging lesson.  However, the curriculum remains mostly the same.  If teachers were tasked in delivering curriculum in a guidebook that needed to be adhered to daily, then we'd all want to pull the few remaining hairs we have in our heads out!  To maintain our sanity, we turn to technology to bring these lessons to life and give ourselves a reprieve from teaching the same thing over and over...and over!

Back in the day, teachers usually had a "leg-up" when it came to technology.  Normally, we found out about new technologies coming up before students did, and we were able to adopt our lessons with these new technologies to engage students.  Teaching the past using technologies of the future was exciting!  It was something that I always looked forward to.

However, students have caught up to the teachers.  They are more aware of the technology that surrounds us daily more than the teacher.  So when a PowerPoint presentation comes up for delivery...yawn, says the student.  When the lesson comes up whereas research is necessary...boring, says the student.

How do educators take technology and use it to our advantage again?  Do we need to look ahead two or three years as to what will be the new norm for technology in the classroom?  Virtual Reality?  Google Glasses?  Holographic imaging?  What is next?

All I know is that technology continues to advance at a rapid pace and teachers are starting to fall behind the important factor of "educating" students.  Educating means engaging, informing and captivating these minds.  So let's look ahead to see what's next instead of continuing with what we currently view as the norm.  It might be the only way that we can truly educate.

What's right...a positive spin   - March 6, 2018

With everything happening in our society today, why are we all suffering?  There is so much negativity surrounding us and it makes us all feel the pain that exists.  Countries are in disarray, people are in dispute and life for some seems to be crashing down.  It's such a bad trait to see that we are all focusing on the negativity around us, while not seeing what is positive.  The positivity that is present in our lives is not celebrated...not cherished.  Why?

 We need to become aware of what happens around us and not be so close minded in our approaches.

Many would say that our current school system is failing and that we are not advancing.  Well, let's take this and put a positive spin on it.  Our schools are filled with bright, energetic people, in the form of our students, our teachers, our support staff and our community.  Our futures are bright...because that's what we want as our ultimate goal.  We all have the same ensure that our students are ready to enter the real world.  To ensure this, we all need to work together.  How we get there might be a bone of dispute.  However, the goal is constant...and achievable.

We ll have our own ideas on how to "change" the system.  Let's put technology in their hands....let's not...let's pump money into classrooms to hire more people...let's not...let's lower class sizes to ensure higher achievement...let's not.  Everyone has an opinion.  And, everyone's opinion is right in their mind...but not to others.  The vision is there, and again, the goal is constant.

If we think that the worst is yet to will...because that's the way we are perceiving it.  Why?  You can't dictate the need to dream it.

Opinion is the central key point of democracy.  We are so lucky to live in such a society that allows this.  We can all agree on this.

The best way to get yourself out of a funk is to realize that the best is yet to come...and it is!   When you think positive, positive things will happen!  

Where is the balance?   - December 7, 2017 is an essential trait that every teacher needs to have and needs to use to be successful.  Between home life, work life and social life, balance is key to success.  Someone once said that working hard for something you don't care for is called stress and that working hard for something you love doing is called passion.  But we need to realize that life doesn't always come in positive bunches.  We need to learn to balance what we are dealt in life, specifically in the education we receive on a daily basis.  However, this is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more difficult for students to adhere to, whereas in the past, it was teachers in this position.

Technology is to blame!  Now I know what you're thinking...I'm one of the biggest advocates of integrating technology into the classroom, but again, where is the balance?  Why are we not teaching this in our classroom, and in our society in general.

From my transition to Junior High to High School teacher, I have noticed that students who are in High School are now not cognizant of how to balance themselves in order to succeed.  These students feel the need to be working at a job, so they can have money in their pocket.  While there is nothing wrong with this, it can sometimes consume their lives, for the negative.  For example, it is a tall task to either assign homework or ensure that their work is completed the next day, because their work takes priority after school.  Is this the way it was always?  Not to my recollection.  Yes, I had a job, and yes, I had homework on a regular basis...but school work trumped work.  My education was more important.

So again, where is the balance?  Why is work not being completed when it should be.  The answer again is technology.  More and more, teachers are allowing personal technology in the classroom, because it is an effective research tool, that students take ownership of.  But it's the students who do not see the harm in using their phone in class time to talk with their friends, to send a pic through Instagram or to play a game of Tetris.  This becomes an issue as students do not get their class work completed on time, and then they are unable to fully complete the work for the next day, because they had to go to their job after school.

Where is the balance?  

As teachers, maybe it's time to go back to basics.  No, not back 30 years to where we used encyclopedias and riso machines...or even a few years by banning personal devices from classrooms.  Let's look at the smaller things, such as having a parking spot for phones when students enter the room, to ensure that they are focused on task.  Let's give these students engaging lessons by using their devices effectively, incorporating more virtual reality and simulated field trips.  Let's be

re proactive by using these phones in a more positive and inclusive fashion in our classrooms.

As students, let's look at our education as an essential and primary focus to our lives.  Even though not everything you learn will be engaging, interactive and fun...they need to realize that that is life.  Let's realize that it is important to have a positive social relationship as instead of texting and sending photos to our friends during class time,., put it down, look across the table and talk to your friends eye-to-eye.

Where is the balance?  It's there...most of us just have not found it yet!

High School - A Time for Transition  - August 27, 2017

High school...the best three years of your life.  Don't let anyone tell you differently...they are!  They are fun, engaging, challenging and trying in so many different ways, both positive and negative.

Last year, I re-entered high school life after spending 15 years in middle school.  Not much has changed since I graduated in ____ (you can guess the blank!).  As a Sir John A graduate myself, so many great memories came back to me when I stepped foot into this building again.  Although it is not physically the same building as the one I went to, the spirit was still there.  Seeing staff that taught me back in the day, who are still here, was a comfort to me.  Seeing various traditions that the school community upholds is evident...the John A 500 does live!

I remember my first day at SJA when I went to high was a scary day.  Surrounded by people who were larger than life, both emotionally and physically, was intimidating.  I walked into the building with a sense of loss, that my senior tenure at junior high was gone and I was now a tenner...the bottom of the barrel in my mind.  Quickly I realized that I was surrounded by support, through friends, though staff and through personal realizations.

My year was fantastic, because I told myself it would be, and it was.  I made it fantastic by joining clubs, attending extra-curricular activities, getting a job and meeting so many new people that I still call my friends.  

My final year was that much more special.  Nothing had changed, expect I would have the feeling that I was on the top and would soon be a small fish in a large pond when university started.  So I told myself that I would make my last year memorable...and again, I did.

To those who are coming up from Grade 9 to 10, relax!  Don't be afraid to is normal.  Don't be afraid to get is human.  Don't be afraid to is expected.

For those who are in Grade 12 and entering university or the job field next leaders!  You were in this position entering high school yourselves.  Negativity is not acceptable.  Strive to be the best you can, both academic and personal.  Work hard, because the final result will be so worth it!