
Welcome to our Elementary Guidance Page!

The purpose of this page is to provide families and students with information which will help them with the struggles and challenges of daily life. We took great care selecting websites that are current and credible with minimal or no advertising. This page is not meant to take the place of actual counselling and/or therapy which may be needed. 

If you have any questions, you are encouraged to contact your guidance person or a health care provider! 

Role of Guidance: is to support and assist all students in their educational, social, emotional, and career development and to provide, coordinate, and deliver guidance related services to support staff and families.

Common difficulties include: bullying, anger management, behavior management, family transitions, conflict resolution, esteem building, coping with stress, dealing with death, social skills, study skills, etc. 

Confidentiality: Counselling relationships and information resulting from them are kept confidential. However, there are the following exceptions to confidentiality: 

(i) when disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the client or others;
(ii) when legal requirements demand that confidential material be revealed; and
(iii) when a child is in need of protection. 

Managing Stress for Parents/Guardians

Stress is pretty much unavoidable these days as you parent, manage a home and /or job, and maintain relationships. Be a good role model for your child by controlling and reducing your stress. 

Stress Reduction Relaxation Technique: Calm yourself during stressful moments with proven techniques such as visualizing and deep breathing. It's simple and effective for everyone from age 9 to 99. 

Relaxation Exercise Managing your anger as a parent/guardian. If it’s true that, ‘The apple often doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ then it’s very important that parents provide good role models in managing their anger. 

 Grief Works Articles, Grief Works Activities for Kids, Bailey Hope Society South Shore Health, offers free individual, family, and group mental health services on an outpatient, inpatient, and community basis. Services are provided by licensed professional staff. You can refer yourself or your guidance counselor can also help with referral. South Shore Mental Health