Resource Package:

Digital Portfolios

The purpose of this resource package is to give you deeper understanding of what Digital Portfolios are and how you can use them in your classroom!

What are Digital Portfolios?

Portfolios that showcase student work and growth have been a part of education since the 1990s. However, in recent years, the transition to online digital portfolios has meant having easier, instant access to student’s work by a wider audience including peers, teachers, parents and families. Research shows that using Digital Portfolios has increased student motivation through the use of technology and facilitating peer feedback who can recommend revisions. Research also shows that Digital Portfolios promote deep learning and self regulation. It is important to remember that a digital Portfolio is not a scrapbook of student work but rather the messy joyous progression of learning. Students collect and reflect on the work they choose to show in their portfolio. Students reflect what they can do and how they have grown.

When deciding what kind of Digital Portfolio you would like to implement in your classroom, think first of your purpose! What purpose will these portfolios have for students? How will you have students organize their work? Will there be themes or folders by subject? Once you know your purpose, create clear learning goals and make sure students understand the learning goals. The purpose, in the form of clear learning goals will drive the process and products that students add to their portfolio.

We also suggest choosing a platform that will make student learning visible to their families. Research shows that families are better able to understand how their child is learning when they can see their child's progression. Some digital portfolio platforms such as Seesaw, allow families to privately comment on their child's work and communicate with the teacher. Some platforms also allow families to upload video, audio or images as part of the private comment.