Read & Write for Google - Students

Read & Write for Google Installation - Students

This is a brief guide for installing and troubleshooting the Read Write for Google extension for Chrome. Note this information is for student accounts. Teachers can register for the premium version free for one year here. The administrator email address required in the registration form is:

Read&Write for Google Chrome (RW4G) is a chrome extension (much like an app) that allows students to be more independent with their reading and writing. Once installed, it is a simple toolbar that allows students to use features such as: text-to-speech, word prediction, speech-to-text, study skill features, etc. (see quick reference guide)

Students must be logged into Chrome browser with their GNSPES account to install and use the Read & Write for Google extension (RW4G) . To continue using the premium version beyond the 30 day trial, student accounts must have a license associated with their GNSPES account. Administrators at your school can add licenses for student accounts via the Principal Portal.

For more information, here is a great overview video on the features of Read&Write:

Installing RW4G at home (on a desktop, laptop, or tablet):

When using RW4G at home it is very important that you are using the Chrome Browser. If you are not, it will not work!

Log in to Chrome web browser (the following 5 steps must be taken each time you log in):

  1. Open Chrome.

  2. In the top right, click the button with your name or the person icon.

  3. Click Sign in to Chrome.

  4. Sign in with your GNSPES Account.

  5. If previously installed, the Read&Write puzzle piece will appear beside your address bar.

Installing the Extension (if it has not been installed at school)

  1. After logging into the browser (see above) and GNSPES, students can install the extension.

  2. To install the RW4G extension visit the chrome web store or click the link here.

  3. From the modal window click *"Add to Chrome" button in the top right corner. **This will show a prompt asking for permissions to view and associate with your GNSPES account. Click OK to continue and complete the installation.

  4. The purple RW4G puzzle piece should now be showing by your address bar.

  5. There is another extension, called “Texthelp PDF Reader”, that works with RW4G when reading PDF documents. It is beneficial to also install this extension. It can be accessed here or from the landing page.

Troubleshooting Guide

  • The Read&Write (RW4G) extension is installed but most of the icons are “greyed out”.

Possible Solutions:

  • Student has not been assigned a license for the “premium” version of this extension. Contact school administrator at the school or Jessica Boudreau - AT Consultant (

  • I have installed Read&Write extension but now the puzzle piece icon is no longer showing by my address bar.

Possible Solutions:

  • Chrome Browser - Make sure you are using the Chrome browser (and you are signed in). RW4G will not work in other browsers like Safari, Edge, FireFox, etc.

  • RW4G update - Check to see if there is an orange circle with an exclamation point at the top right hand corner of the browser. This means an extension needs an update. See pic.

  • RW4G Icon is not pinned next to the address bar - In this situation, the RW4G extension has been installed but there is no room next to the address bar to display the icon. This is typically a problem if you have multiple extensions installed. Click the grey puzzle piece near the address bar (this is your extension manager). You should see the RW4G purple puzzle piece icon with a “pin” beside it. Click the pin so it turns blue. You should now see the RW4G icon displayed (see pic below).

  • Install RW4G - double check to see if the RW4G extension is installed.

  1. Go to the Chrome Web Store (

  2. Search “Read&Write”

  3. One of two blue buttons will be displayed saying either “Rate it” (extension is already installed) or “Add to Chrome” (extension is not installed).

  4. Click “Add to Chrome” and follow prompts to add extension OR click “Rate it” which will direct you to another page where you can remove the extension by clicking “Remove from Chrome”. Finally, you will have the option to click “Add to Chrome” to reinstall the extension.

Additional Support

If you have any questions on the installation or use of Read&Write for Google, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Jessica Boudreau - Assistive Technology/TIENET Support Consultant, CBVRCE
Phone: 902-561-2173