Updating a Student Password

Landing Page...

It is important this is only used with the student's knowledge.

  • Login to gnspes.ca and go to the landing page.
  • Look for the “self-service” option in your backpack or use the link here.

Self-Service Admin...

  • Enter your GNPSES user ID and password at the login prompt. Click the Login button to continue.


  • Once you are successfully logged in select the "Modify" tab from the top or click the "Modify" link.

Find the Student's Account...

Enter a student username or ID # and click find. You will only be able to access student accounts for those assigned to one or more of your sections in PowerSchool.

Updating The Password...

Enter a new password following the format of 3 out of 4 of the following (Uppercase, lower case, number and/or special character) and click update to save the changes.

The password change will take effect within a few minutes.