Helpful Links & Info
Canada Wide Science Festival has its own site that provides loads of information for students interested in Science Fair!
The following links may be of use when trying to generate ideas for projects:
Eduzone-Science Fair
All Science Fair Projects for all levels
The Ultimate Canadian Science Fair Resource!
Best Forensic Science Activities for Kids
Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair
SMARTS for kids by kids
Backboard layouts:
Backboard Layouts: Traditional Layouts and CWSF Layouts
Categories for 2017 reflect changes at the CWSF:
A student's project can be one or more experiments designed to answer a particular question, or it can be a display involving informational research on any topic from these general areas:
- Create new fundamental knowledge based on your curiosity by asking a question and using the techniques of scientific inquiry to develop an answer.
- Improve our use of current energy sources, enable the transition to alternative energy sources, or reduce our energy footprint.
- Reduce our impact on, improve our understanding of, and ensure the quality of water, air, soil, and the diversity of living things.
- Increase our understanding of the human body, or apply science and technology to improve health, control disease, or support an aging population.
- Enhance communication and our use of information using digital and networking technologies, or applications of new media.
- Combine scientific principles with your creativity to develop a new material, structure, device, or system to solve a problem or improve an existing solution.
- Develop better ways to use our natural resources that provide sustainable sources of food, products, or prosperity.
Resolutions for Student Participation in Annapolis Valley Regional Science Fair
The following is a resolution accepted by the AVR Science Fair committee about students participating in the fair.
A student who is submitting a project for Team Canada is required to enter their project and be judged for medal standing at the regional fair. The project is now eligible for a regional award as a AVRSF delegate to the Canada Wide Science Fair.
Code of Conduct of Finalists to the CWSF: View or download
The other recommendation made was as follows:
After the Canada Wide Science Fair, the project as presented will represent a maximum of a twelve month working period, including backboard and oral presentation.
Projects must remain on display at the Regional Fair site for the duration in order for the student to be eligible for medals and /or awards.
All projects must comply with the Policies and Regulations of the Canada Wide Science Fair. Our guide to Safety and Ethics at the Regionals is found here.
All Annapolis Valley Regional School Board student projects that are announced as finalists will be paid for by the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board to advance.