Universal Design for Learning

What IS UDL?

UDL, MTSS and Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials (AEM)

Assistive Technology, UDL and MTSS

The multi-tiered system of supports offers various levels of Assistive Technology tools, strategies and services across different tiers while accessing universally designed curriculum and various learning activities.

Tier 1 Assistive Technology is grounded in universally designed concepts that offer supports that are beneficial to MOST students while engaged in the core curriculum in the common learning environment. Examples of "Accessible Technology" (benefitting most students with built in accessibility options) for Reading offered in Tier 1 might include highlighters, sticky notes, picture supports, pocket magnifier, free text to speech options (built in accessibility options on tablets, chromebooks etc).

Note: UDL and AT perspective Kirk Behnke and Joy Zabala, Sept. 29, 2018

Assistive Technology relates to individual needs and has a legal definition that specifically connects it to disability and relates to individual needs.

Accessible Technology can be used by anyone and has design features that expand use to people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities

Accessible Technology is directly usable without assistive technology or is made through interoperability with assistive technology

Tier 2 Assistive Technology supports and services relates to more specific devices, services and support providing MANY students (but not most or all). Assistive Technology for Tier 2 would be recommended by an AT Specialist in collaboration with other team members including classroom teacher, learning support teachers , teaching support team and LD Specialists. For example, Tier 2 Assistive Technology includes more specific recommendations including read aloud of digital text, screen magnification options, word prediction software/apps or extensions, speech to text. Students who continue to demonstrate difficulties with Tier 1 supports and strategies, with documentation on what was tried, will be referred to Tier 2 Assistive Technology supports and services.

Tier 3 Assistive Technology supports and services includes AT that enhances the functional capabilities for students with complex needs. Student who are non verbal for example, enhancing communication skills, will utilize individualized Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices (software or Apps) to participate in core curriculum with individualized outcomes to enhance learning. AT services for Tier 3 will include classroom teacher, learning support teachers , teaching support team and other professionals including SLPs, OTs, PTs, ASD specialists etc. NOTE: within the task of Communication there will be various Tier levels of AT supports and services . Students who continue to demonstrate difficulties or face barriers to progress with Tier 2 will be referred (with documentation on what was tried, to Tier 3 Assistive Technology services and supports.

AEM materials is important to ensure access to the curriculum by students utilizing Assistive Technology or not. An example of AEM materials is digitizing hard copy text with an OCR scanning app or offering access to digitized books through BookshareCanada link