School Supplies

Teachers at Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School purchase classroom supplies for their students.  Below you will see a list of additional materials needed and the student supply fee for each grade level.

Indoor (non-marking) sneakers; book bag; lunch box; water bottle; a set of headphones (please put in a zip-lock baggie).
All other supplies are bought by the teacher at a cost of $35.00/student

Indoor (non-marking) sneakers, water bottle, lunch box, and a book bag.
All other supplies are bought by the teacher at a cost of $45.00/student.

*Student Supply Fees can be paid in cash on the first day of school or through School Cash Online which will go "live" at the beginning of September. If you have not yet registered for School Cash Online, you can do it here:

Extra Clothing
During the first week of school, please send in a bag of extra clothing to keep on hand should a quick change be needed (1 pair pants, socks, underwear, shirt). Gym clothes are NOT required at any grade level, just non-marking indoor sneakers.  If your child is unable to tie their own footwear, please have them bring shoes/sneakers/boots to school that have Velcro fasteners. Please ensure all shoes, clothing, and water bottles are labeled with your child’s name. 

Note: Any Pre-Primary information will be communicated by the Pre-Primary teachers.