Volunteers are essential to a school community. Without our volunteers, we would not be able to offer everything we do at Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School.
To volunteer at any school in the South Shore Regional Centre for Education, the volunteer must request a Vulnerable Sector Check and a Child Abuse Register - Request of Search form and submit both to the school where they would like to volunteer. These forms will then be forwarded onto the SSRCE Human Resources Department to be approved before commencing volunteering. These screening tools must be updated every three years.
If a volunteer will be driving students (with the exception of driving their own child), a Form J must also be filled out and submitted to the school before driving students.
Volunteering in a school is a very valuable experience. If you are interested in volunteering at Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School, please review the information above, as well as our volunteer application form. The appropriate paper work can be picked up from the office. We look forward to working with you!
We encourage any interested individuals to review the SSRCE volunteer policy.