School Features

Maker Community 

Our robotics club uses Lego as a teaching method and is divided into two stages: power machinery and robots. The power machinery part covers levers, gears, and other mechanical principles. Through Lego building blocks and motors it connects to the students’ lives in a fun way. Through Lego assembly they apply and internalize scientific principles, using their hands and their brains at the same time. For example: building a climbing car with gears, or using the inertia of a flywheel…

Always on top of trends, the robotics has over the past years integrated Maker education and green energy into its curriculum. Besides Lego, we also use GigoToys, 3D printing, Arduino circuits and programs to offer our students as diverse learning experiences as possible.

Remedial Teaching 

Our school currently has three remedial teachers certified by the Ministry of Education. We also engage external parties to stay abreast with developments in learning methods and materials to offer our students an adaptive, up-to-date, and right-sized curriculum to foster their success. From 2016 onwards our school has 30 remedial programs per year, with 44 teachers and 216 students served.