
1. E. Pardo, Refinement monoids with weak comparability, "Abelian groups and Modules", Padova (Italy), June 1994.

2. E. Pardo, Metric completions of ordered groups and K0 of exchange rings, "Ring Theory Conference-Satellite ICM1996", Miskolc (Hungary), July 1996.

3. E. Pardo, On the representation of simple Riesz groups, "Interaction between Ring Theory and Representation of Algebras", Murcia (Spain), January 1998.

4. E. Pardo, Modulos proyectivos numerablemente generados sobre anillos regulares de von Neumann, "Cuartas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos", Málaga (Spain), March 1999.

5. E. Pardo, Construcciones universales en anillos simples puramente infinitos, "Sextas Jornadas Españolas en Teoría de Anillos'', Almería (Spain), March 2001.

6. E. Pardo, K0 of purely infinite simple regular rings, "All Ireland Algebra Days 2001", Belfast (Great Britain), May 2001.

7. E. Pardo, Embedding simple ordered groups into simple Riesz groups, UCB-UCSB Algebra Day, Berkeley (USA), June 2002.

8. E. Pardo, Semirretículos de grupos y límites inductivos de álgebras de Cuntz, Primer Congreso Conjunto de Matemáticas RSME-SCM-SEIO-SEMA, Valencia (Spain), February 2005.

9. E. Pardo, Nonstable K-Theory for Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras, "Workshop on Graph Algebras", Málaga (Spain), July 2006.

10. E. Pardo,  Some properties of L(E) connected with sublattices of P(E), "Workshop on Graph Algebras", Málaga (Spain), July 2006.

11. E. Pardo, Characterization of exchange Leavitt path algebras, "Workshop on Graph Algebras", Málaga (Spain), July 2006.

12. E. Pardo, Stable rank for exchange Leavitt path algebras, “Workshop on Graph Algebras”, Málaga (Spain), July 2006.

13. E. Pardo, Exchange Leavitt path algebras and stable rank, "Noncommutative algebra-Satellite ICM2006", Granada (Spain), September 2006.
14. E. Pardo, El problema de clasificación en algebras de caminos de Leavitt, "Jornadas sobre docencia e investigación en Álgebra No Conmutativa", Ceuta (Spain), May 2008.

15. E. Pardo, Graph algebras: an overview, "School and Workshop on Topics in operator algebras and some applications", Madrid (Spain), September 2010.
16. E. Pardo, Simplicity of Cuntz-Pimsner rings, "Workshop on Dynamics and C*-algebras", Barcelona (Spain), April 2011.

17. E. Pardo, El problema de clasificación en álgebras de caminos de Leavitt, "II Encuentro Conjunto RSME-SMM", Torremolinos (Spain), January 2012 (video).

18. E. Pardo, Fractional skew monoid rings, Mini-workshop 1215c "Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-algebras of Rings", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Germany), April 2012.

19. E. Pardo, Symbolic dynamics in the classification of Leavitt path algebras: an overview, in "The AMSI Workshop on Graph C*-algebras, Leavitt path algebras and symbolic dynamics", University of Western Sydney (Australia), February 2013.

20. E. Pardo, A symbolic dynamics approach to Kirchberg algebras, in the workshop 13w5049  "Graph algebras: Bridges between graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras", Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS), April 2013.

21. E. Pardo, Symbolic dynamics in the classification of Kirchberg algebras, in "School and Workshop: Topics in Operator Algebras and its Applications", ICMAT (Madrid, Spain), September 2013.

22. E. Pardo, A unified treatment of Katsura and Nekrashevych C*-algebras, in "Partial Actions and Representations Symposium", Gramado (Brazil), May 2014.

23. E. Pardo, A unified treatment of Katsura and Nekrashevych C*-algebras, in "First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI", Bilbao (Spain), July 2014.

24. E. Pardo, Towards a K- theoretic characterization of graded isomorphisms between Leavitt path algebras, in "Classification of C*-algebras, flow equivalence of shift spaces, and graph and Leavitt path algebras", University of Louisana at Lafayette (USA), May 2015.

25. E. Pardo, Applying groupoid models to combinatorial C*-algebras, in "Workshop on C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems" (IRP Operator algebras: Dynamics and Interactions), Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Spain), March 2017 (video).

26. E. Pardo, A Generalised uniqueness theorem and the graded ideal structure of Steinberg algebras, in "ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference - ICMOA", Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), July 2018.

27. E. Pardo, Simplicity of algebras associated to non-Hausdorff groupoids, in "Workshop I: Operator Algebras and Groups" (Thematic Research Program: Operator Algebras, Groups and applications to Quantum Information), Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT-CSIC (Spain), March 2019.

28. E. Pardo, Tight groupoids and their properties, in "Groupoids, Graphs, and Algebras", University of Sydney (Australia), July 2019.

29. E. Pardo, Algebras associated to tight groupoids, in "Groupoids, Graphs, and Algebras", University of Sydney (Australia), July 2019.

30. E. Pardo, The groupoids of adaptable separated graphs and their type semigroups (I), in "Higher rank graphs: geometry, symmetry, dynamics", International Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), July 2019. (Slides of second part's talk, The groupoids of adaptable separated graphs and their type semigroups (II), has been kindly provided by Pere Ara).
31. E. Pardo, Refinement monoids: a survey, in "Algebra, Geometry and C*-algebras", International Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), June 2023.
32. E. Pardo, Modeling groupoid algebras using left cancellative small categories, in "Topics in K-theory and NCG", Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), July 2023.
33. E. Pardo, Modeling groupoid algebras using left cancellative small categories, in workshop 2411a "Combinatorial *-algebras", Mathematisches

Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Germany), March 2024.
34. E. Pardo, Modeling groupoid algebras using left cancellative small categories, in "From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho", Satellite Conference of the 9th European Mathematical Congress, Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz, Spain), June 2024 (video, from 4:23:40 to 4:52:45)