

1. E. Pardo, On a density condition for K0+ of von Neumann regular rings, Comm. Algebra 22(2) (1994), 707-719 (RODIN). 

2. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, E. Pardo, D.V. Tyukavkin, K-theoretically simple von Neumann regular rings, J. Algebra 174 (1995), 659-677

3. P. Ara, E. Pardo, Refinement monoids with weak comparability and applications to regular rings and C*-algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 715-720 (RODIN). 

4. E. Pardo, Comparability, Separativity, and exchange rings, Comm. Algebra 24(9) (1996), 2915-2929 (RODIN). 

5. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, K.C. O'Meara, E. Pardo, Diagonalization of matrices over regular rings, Linear Algebra Appl. 265 (1997), 147-163 

6. E. Pardo, On the representation of simple Riesz groups, Comm. Algebra 26(1) (1998), 155-170 (RODIN). 

7. E. Pardo, Metric completions of ordered groups and K0+of exchange rings, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350(3) (1998), 913-933 (RODIN). 

8. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, K.C. O'Meara, E. Pardo, Separative cancellation for projective modules over exchange rings, Israel J. Math. 105 (1998), 105-137

9. P. Ara, E. Pardo, F. Perera, The structure of countably generated projective modules over regular rings, J. Algebra 226 (2000), 161-190

10. E. Pardo, Finite projections in multiplier algebras, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 31(2) (2001), 581-594 (RODIN). 

11. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, E. Pardo, K0 of purely infinite simple regular rings, K-Theory 26 (2002), 69-100 (arxiv or RODIN). 

12. E. Pardo, Embedding rank one simple groups into rank one simple Riesz groups, Glasgow Math. J. 44(3) (2002), 551-567 (RODIN). 

13. F. Ortus, E. Pardo, Monoids of intervals of simple refinement monoids and non-stable K-Theory of multiplier algebras, Comm. Algebra 31(10) (2003), 5011-5037 (RODIN).

14. P. Ara, M.A. Gonzalez-Barroso, K.R. Goodearl, E. Pardo, Fractional skew monoid rings, J. Algebra 278 (2004), 104-126 (arxiv or RODIN).

15. F. Ortus, E. Pardo, F. Perera, Simple Riesz groups of rank one having wild intervals, J. Algebra 284 (2005), 111-140 (arxiv or RODIN).

16. K.R. Goodearl, E. Pardo, F. Wehrung, Semilattices of groups and inductive limits of Cuntz algebras, J. Reine Angew. Math. 588 (2005), 1-25 (arxiv or RODIN).

17. M.A. González-Barroso, E. Pardo, Structure of non-unital purely infinite simple rings, Comm. Algebra 34(2) (2006), 617-624 (arxiv or RODIN).

18. G. Aranda-Pino, E. Pardo, M. Siles-Molina, Exchange Leavitt path algebras and stable rank, J. Algebra  305 (2006), 912-936 (arxiv or RODIN).

19. E. Pardo, F. Wehrung, Semilattices of groups and nonstable K-theory of extended Cuntz limits, K-Theory 37 (2006), 1-23 (arxiv or RODIN). 

20. M.A. Moreno, J. Nicola, E. Pardo, Irreducible numerical semigroups having Toms decomposition, Comm. Algebra 35(1) (2007), 1-13 (RODIN).

21. P. Ara, M.A. Moreno, E. Pardo, Nonstable K-Theory for graph algebras, Algebras Represent. Theory. 10 (2007), 157-178 (arxiv or RODIN).

22. P. Ara, E. Pardo, Stable rank of Leavitt path algebras, Proc. Amer Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 2375-2386 (arxiv or RODIN).

23. G. Abrams, P.N. Anh, A. Louly, E. Pardo, The classification question for Leavitt path algebras, J. Algebra 320 (2008), 1983-2026 (arxiv or RODIN).

24. G. Abrams, P.N. Anh, E. Pardo, Isomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their matrix rings, J. Reine Angew. Math. 624 (2008), 103-132 (arxiv or RODIN).

25. G. Aranda-Pino, E. Pardo, M. Siles-Molina, Prime spectrum and primitive Leavitt path algebras, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58(2) (2009), 869-890 (arxiv or RODIN).

26. M.A. Moreno, J. Nicola, E. Pardo, H. Thomas, Numerical semigroups that cannot be written as an intersection of d-squashed semigroups, Canadian Math. Bull. 52(4) (2009), 598-612

27. G. Abrams, A. Louly, E. Pardo, C. Smith, Flow invariants in the classification of Leavitt path algebras, J. Algebra 333 (2011), 202-231 (arxiv or RODIN).

28. E. Pardo, The Isomorphism Problem for Higman-Thompson groups, J. Algebra 344 (2011), 172-183 (arxiv or RODIN).

29. T.M. Carlsen, E. Ortega, E. Pardo, Simple Cuntz-Pimsner rings, J. Algebra 371 (2012), 367-390 (arxiv or RODIN).

30. E. Pardo, Dilations and full corners on fractional skew monoid rings, Publ. Mat. 58(1) (2014), 155-177 (arxiv or RODIN).

31. E. Ortega, E. Pardo, Purely infinite crossed products by endomorphisms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 412 (2014), 466-477 (arxiv or RODIN).

32. P. Ara, E. Pardo, Towards a K-theoretic characterization of graded isomorphisms between Leavitt path algebras, J. K-Theory 14(2) (2014), 203-245, (arxiv or RODIN).

33. R. Exel, E. Pardo, The tight groupoid of an inverse semigroup, Semigroup Forum 92 (2016), 274-303, (arxiv or RODIN).

34. P. Ara, E. Pardo, Primely generated refinement monoids, Israel J. Math. 214 (2016), 379-419, (Shared It, arxiv or RODIN).

35. R. Exel, E. Pardo, Self-similar graphs, a unified treatment of Katsura and Nekrashevych C*-algebras, Adv. Math. 306 (2017), 1046-1129, (arXiv or RODIN). 

36. T.M. Carlsen, E. Ortega, E. Pardo, C*-algebras associated to Boolean dynamical systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 450 (2017), 727-768, (arxiv or RODIN).

37. P. Ara, E. Pardo, Representing finitely generated refinement monoids as graph monoids, J. Algebra 480 (2017), 79-123, (arxiv or RODIN).

38. L.O. Clark, R. Exel, E. Pardo, A Generalized uniqueness theorem and the graded ideal structure of Steinberg algebras, Forum Math. 30(3) (2018), 533-552 (arxiv or RODIN).

39. L.O. Clark, R. Exel, E. Pardo, A. Sims, C. Starling, Simplicity of algebras associated to non-Hausdorff groupoids, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372(5) (2019), 3669-3712, (arXiv or RODIN).

40. P. Ara, J. Bosa, E. Pardo, The Realization Problem for finitely generated refinement monoids, Selecta Math. - New Series 26(3), Article:33 (2020), 1-63, (arXiv, RODIN, or Springer Nature SharedIt Initiative).

41. E. Ortega, E. Pardo, The tight groupoid of the inverse semigroup of left cancellative small categories, Trans. Amer Math. Soc. 373(7) (2020), 5199-5234, (arXiv  or RODIN).

42. P. Ara, J. Bosa, E. Pardo, Refinement monoids and adaptable separated graphs, Semigroup Forum 101 (2020), 19-36, (arXiv or RODIN).
43. P. Ara, J. Bosa, E. Pardo, A. Sims, The groupoids of adaptable separated graphs and their type semigroups, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol 2021 (Issue 20) (October 2021), 15444-15496 (arXiv or RODIN).

 44. E. Ortega, E. Pardo, Zappa-Szép products for partial actions of groupoids on left cancellative small categories, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 17(4) (2023), 1335-1366 , (arXiv or RODIN).


1. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, P.P. Nielsen, E. Pardo, F. Perera, The separativity problem in terms of varieties and diagonal reduction, "Proceedings of NonCommutative Rings and their Applications, VIII", A. Laghribi and A. Leroy (Eds.), Contemporary Mathematics AMS (to appear), arXiv:2403.11837v1 or (2024).


1. E. Pardo, Graded ideal structure, the exchange property and stable rank for Leavitt path algebras, "Graph algebras: bridging the gap between Analysis and algebra", 141-187. Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico de la Universidad de Málaga. Aranda-Pino, G.; Perera-Domènech, F.; Siles-Molina, M. (Eds.), 2007. ISBN:978-84-9747-177-0.

2. E. Ortega, E. Pardo, The structure of Stacey crossed products by endomorphisms, "Operator Algebra and Dynamics, NordForsk Network Closing Conference, Faroe Islands, May 2012" , 239-252. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 58. Carlsen, T.M.; Eilers, S; Restorff, G.; Silvestrov, S. (Eds.), 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-39458-4.



1. E. Pardo, Fractional Skew Monoid Rings, Mini Workshop: Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-algebras of Rings, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 20/2012, J. Cuntz, W. Szymanski, and J. Zacharias editors, 2012 (M.F.O.).
2. E. Pardo, Modeling groupoid algebras using left cancellative small categories, Workshop: Combinatorial *-algebras, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 12/2024, G. Cortiñas, S. Eilers, E. Gillaspy, and R. Hazrat editors, 2012 (M.F.O.).



1. R. Exel, E. Pardo, C. Starling, C*-algebras of self-similar graphs over arbitrary graphs, arXiv:1807.01686 or (2018).

2. P. Ara, K.R. Goodearl, K.C. O'Meara, E. Pardo, F. Perera, Regular ring properties degraded through inverse limits, arXiv:2405.06837 or (2024).



1. R. Exel, E. Pardo, Representing Kirchberg algebras as inverse semigroup crossed products, arXiv:1303.6268v2 or (2013).

2. R. Exel, E. Pardo, Graphs, groups and self-similarity, arXiv:1307.1120v1 or (2013).



1. A. Louly, E. Pardo, Purely infinite simple skew group rings, (2006).

2. E. Pardo, F. Wehrung, Generating classes of regular refinement monoids, (2006).



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