Daily Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

7:45-8:00 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Calendar Math, etc.

8:00-8:45 Specials (MTThF)

Day 1 P.E. with Coach Green Day 2 Media with Mrs. Henson Day 3 Teacher Led/Curriculum Lab (I-Station Math) Day 4 Music with Mrs. Short Day 5 Art with Mrs. Ling Day 6 Specials Lab with Ms. Santos (I-Station Reading)

8:45-10:15 Language Arts/Reading (ELA)/Workstations (MTThF)

10:15-10:45 Writing (MTThF)

10:45-11:00 Read Aloud/Indoor Recess/Bathroom Break (MTThF) 11:00-11:30 Recess (MTThF) (Main Playground) 11:36-12:06 Lunch (MTThF) in cafeteria

12:06- 1:06 Math (MTThF)

1:06- 1:52 Science/Social Studies

1:52 Dismissal (on the second bell)