Class Rules

School-Wide Expectations

1. We are respectful.

2. We are responsible.

3. We are safe.

Classroom Rules

1 Teacher/Adult says it, you do it.

2. Take care of yourself and your things.

3.. Use kind words and actions.

4. Keep hands, feet, objects to myself.

5. Try my best at all times. Have a "can do" attitude.


  • Raise my hand to speak.
  • Listen when others are talking.
  • Walk at school.
  • Be a friend. Share. Take turns. Help others.
  • Sit up, facing forward paying attention.
  • Bring my Homework Folder every day.


Verbal praise

Special job/privilege


Positive Behavior Referral

PBIS School Store "Do Good" Tickets


First: Verbal Warning

Then: Student/Teacher discussion

Next: Consequence

Last: Behavior Notice or Referral