Parent Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts. This is a course designed to help students become proficient communicators. This year we will work toward this purpose and address the rigorous demands of the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) as we read, think, analyze, synthesize, question, cite evidence, debate, and write every day in class. Each unit of our study focuses on vocabulary, language, comprehension, writing, and performance tasks that require students to read closely and write daily about complex nonfiction and literature.

My goal is to help your child become a more critical reader/thinker in this subject and in other academic subjects as well. Students will be asked to write and cite evidence from multiple texts as they move closer to the college and career readiness our Florida standards promote. I will use the following criteria in evaluating student writing: organization and clarity, evidence and reasoning, and language and conventions.

I will be challenging students to work hard. Your encouragement and support at home can help reinforce the learning and depth of knowledge provided at school. Student effort, planning, participation, and production of quality work will all have a direct impact on their success in this class. Thank you in advance for your collaboration. It’s going to be an exciting year!

Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.


Mrs. Morrison