Make-Up Work Policy

  • Make-up work is only accepted if you were absent on the day the assignment was given.

  • If you do not turn in an assignment, but were present on the day the assignment was given, then the assignment is considered late, and will not be accepted.

  • If absent, make-up work is your responsibility. You will have two days for every day that you were absent to turn in any make-up homework, after that time no credit will be given for the assignment.

  • Assessments (tests and/or quizzes) are to be made up immediately after an absence. If you only miss review days, you must take the assessment with the class. If you are absent on the day of the assessment, you must have an excused absence, and will be expected to make up the assessment within one week, at an agreed upon time outside of class. Make-up assessments will not be given during class time.