Course Guidelines

Algebra 2 Honors Course Guidelines


Class Rules

  • Be ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings.

  • Bring supplies to class everyday…ALWAYS BE PREPARED.

  • Follow all directions.

  • Cell phones, MP3 players, AirPods, other wireless listening devices, and all other distractions are not allowed during lecture times.

  • Act respectfully toward your classmates and your teacher.

  • Follow all school and county rules.


  • Composition Book/Spiral Notebook

  • Notebook paper

  • Graph paper

  • Pencils

  • Highlighters

Grading Guidelines and Scale

  • Your nine-week grade will be found using the average of all points earned during the grading period.

    • Homework assignments will be worth 4 points each.

    • Tests will vary in points.

    • The statewide grading scale will be used:

      • A 100 – 90

      • B+ 89 – 87

      • B 86 – 80

      • C+ 79 – 77

      • C 76 – 70

      • D+ 69 – 67

      • D 66 – 60

      • F 59 – 0


  • Tests will be announced several days ahead of time.

  • There will be approximately 3-4 tests each 9-week period.

  • On tests, no credit will be given for correct answers that do not have the correct accompanying work. (NO WORK = NO CREDIT!)

  • Cheating and talking during tests will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating or talking during a test, will receive a grade of zero.

Homework Policy

Homework is given to reinforce what has been learned in class, prepare for upcoming lessons, generalize concepts, teach responsibility, and develop good study habits. Completing your assigned work is the key to success in this course.

  • Homework will be given every night, Monday through Friday.

  • All homework problems must be attempted, and all work must be shown for full credit.

  • Again, full credit will not be given for assignments that do not have the accompanying work.

  • Homework assignments are due the day after they are assigned, and must be submitted prior to the start of your class period.

  • Late work will not be accepted.

  • All answers on homework assignments must be highlighted. Assignments that have not been highlighted will lose one homework point. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  • Every assignment is to be labeled properly, with your name, the date, and the name of the assignment.

Make-Up Work

  • Attendance in this class is very important. If absent, make-up work is your responsibility. You will have two days for every day that you were absent to turn in any make-up homework, after that time no credit will be given for the assignment.

  • Tests are to be made up immediately after an absence. If you only miss review days, you must take the test with the class. If you are absent on the test day, you must have an excused absence, and will be expected to make up the test within one week, at an agreed upon time outside of class. Make-up tests will not be given during class time.


In this course, you will be expected to use your class time as directed, be courteous and respectful to others, and strive to improve your skills so that you can do your best. It is your responsibility to ask questions at the appropriate time in class, and to seek extra help if needed. I will work very hard to help you in every way I can, and I expect you to do the same.

In order to stay on top of your grades in this course, it is strongly advised that you keep up to date with your Skyward Family Access account. I update grades on a weekly basis, and having access to your account is the most effective way to track your progress.

Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.