Internal Assessment

Summer Assignment :: Write a Math Exploration essay

Who must write a Math IA?

Rising juniors and seniors entering an IB math course: Analysis and Approaches SL or HL; Applications and Interpretations SL

If you are sitting for an IB math exam in May 2025, you must write a math IA during the summer of 2024.

Due Dates:

*August 12, 2024 Topic submission*

August 17, 2024 Rough Draft DUE (uploaded to via Canvas; instructions on first day of school)

October  2024 Annotated Draft DUE (instructions to be given in class; this draft will receive a close reading and comments by the teacher)

January 2025 Final Math IA DUE

*Topic Submission*

Students should have submitted topics and plans in May 2024.

What does Internal Assessment mean?

The term 'Internal Assessment' is given because the teacher (not an outside examiner) marks the papers according to 5 IB Criteria (described later). A sample of marked papers is sent to an IB Moderator who will validate the scores (or adjust them up or down as needed). The IB has many protocols in place to ensure fair and accurate grading.

What is a Math IA?

From the IB A&A Guide (linked below):  The IA 'is a short report written by the student based on a topic chosen by him or her, and it should focus on the mathematics of that particular area. The emphasis is on mathematical communication (including formulae, diagrams, graphs, tables, and so on), with his or her own focus...' (p.81)

What is the purpose of the IA (exploration)?

Again, from the guide: '...the exploration is intended to provide students with opportunities to increase their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes, and to develop a wider appreciation of mathematics... The specific purposes of the exploration are to: develop students' personal insight into the nature of mathematics and to develop their ability to ask their own questions about mathematics; provide opportunities for students to complete a piece of mathematical work over an extended period of time; enable students to experience the satisfaction of applying mathematical processes independently; provide students with the opportunity to experience for themselves the beauty, power, and usefulness of mathematics; encourage students, where appropriate, to discover, use, and appreciate the power of technology as a mathematical tool; enable students to develop the qualities of patience and persistence, and to reflect on the significance of their work; provide opportunities for students to show, with confidence, how they have developed mathematically.' (pp.81-82) 

How long should the paper be?

Because of the use of graphs, tables, and diagrams, it is difficult to prescribe a certain length; however, the IB recommends that math IAs be 12-20 pages long. A successful IA can be less than 12 pages or more than 20 pages. It is graded according to the clarity of understanding and completion of the exploration; watch out for being repetitive!

What math can I or should I use?

The mathematics must be in the appropriate syllabus (SL or HL) or 'commensurate with the level of the course.' SL and HL A&A syllabus are in the Analysis and Approaches Guide (pp.26 - 67) below.

Other Details

12pt font, double-spaced, page numbers and a title are required.

How to proceed

Read and follow the subpages in order:

1.) Reading and Writing in Mathematics

2.) Rubric Analysis

3.) Poor, Adequate, and Excellent IAs

4.) Topic, Plan, and Draft

Copy of Math Internal Assessment Plan
Copy of AA guide.pdf