OHS Sustainability Program

To encourage a more sustainable life in now and in the future. 

To Educate, Inspire and Achieve.

                 "We are on a quest to be the change.."                   

Be The Change...

Our movement is be the change you want to see in the world, we are here to build and create a more sustainably viable future for multitudes of generations to come, by creating a sustainable lifestyle to benefit the environment around us.

With this program we are inspiring many others, by guiding them to increase the movement that occurs when you hear the word sustainability. What does sustainability mean you may ask, well it is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. In order to grant many great experiences involving the environment to many generations to come we need to advance the knowledge on how we value the resources that are provided around us.

Our first steps that we have made to generate a successful program was going the LSF Webinars to encourage the growth of our learning. We attended four to five webinars that tested our learning by encouraging us to integrate with the other schools around the country. We shared and received many great ideas that we have to into count to help improve our program for all.