Google Slides

Welcome to the 'Google Slides' section.

This section will give you a range of tips on how to effectively use Google Slides.

7_Changing a Background on Google Slides

Changing a Background

In this video, Ben W explains how to change a background in Google Slides
1_Creating new slides with different formats.webm

Adding new slides

In this video, Will is going to explain how to add new slides with different formats
Mar 22, 2019 12:07 PM.webm

Importing Slides

In this video, Metin is going to explain how to import slides
How to create a new Slides Presentation.webm

Creating a new presentation

In this video, Jacob will run through how to create a new presentation from google drive
How to add a table to your Google Slide - 007.webm

Adding a table to your slide

In this video, Seb will run through how to create a table on google slides