Google Sites

Welcome to the 'Google Slides' section.

This section will give you a range of tips on how to effectively use Google Slides.

Changing site title name tutorial

Changing the site name

In this video, Connor shows you how to change the title name of the site.

Renaming sites

In this tutorial, Josh shows you how to preview a site you have created.
6_Buttons and Dividers on Google Sites

Buttons and Dividers

In this video, Ben shows you how to insert and use buttons and dividers in Google Sites
1_Publishing sites.webm

Publishing sites

In this video, Will is going to explain how to publish a site

Inserting Maps

In this video, Metin teaches you how to insert maps in sites

Using Layouts

In this video, Metin teaches you how to use layouts to design your own google site
Creating a new Google Site.webm

Creating a Google site

In this video, Jacob shows you how to create your first google site and then make it look more visually appealing!