The Mentors

As part of the PYP Exhibition process, the Year 6 teachers provided opportunities for teachers and pedagogical leadership members from the other year levels and different programmes to become mentors for the Year 6 students in their PYP Exhibition journey.

We extend our gratitude and appreciation for these wonderful mentors' efforts and cooperation with the Year 6 students to support them in their PYP Exhibition journey.

Pak Achmad

During the exhibition process, students learned how to manage their time effectively, prioritize, and take the best strategies to achieve their goals. They also developed their research and communication skills when exploring their chosen topics and sharing them with others.

Pak Adrian

The students went through a very long and comprehensive process to develop their exhibition. It was a delight to see the inspirations that drove them to their topic/issue. The students had to reflect on their thought processes and learning during the exhibition preparations.

Ibu Anik

Ibu Dewi

Ibu Elena

Ibu Endang

Students seem conscientious and self-motivated student. They put forth their best effort into exhibition projects, although they faced many problems in the process. To achieve the expectations with the quality of work, become their goals which will be done by hard-working.

What an awesome celebration of the students' learning! Although challenging, the students showed their enthusiasm and passion for leading change and making a difference.

Ibu Hellena

Students got the chance to research an area that had meaning to themselves, building on independence and self-organisation skills.

Pak James

Ibu Julya

It was not easy to have a PYP Exhibition during the pandemic time, but the students tried their best that they could do. Kudos to you, Year 6 students!

Ibu Karen

The PYPX is a wonderful way for students to experience the true nature of the inquiry. They have been able to take an area of interest and develop it into something meaningful.

The exhibition process allows the students to control their learning to design an inquiry into personal interest. The exhibition provides the opportunity for the students to gain new knowledge, skill and experience and develop their agency in learning.

Ibu Luci

The exhibition gives students the opportunity how they are able to stay organized, to plan for their goal settings, to investigate their chosen topic, to use various sources in their inquiries, to give them some experience of gathering reliable information, lastly to present their findings and using it effectively is a really useful and transferable skill.

Ibu Melinda

Ibu Monic

The students demonstrated their research skills, interpreted research and data, planned presentation methods, and balanced their life in this challenging time.

Pak Nick

The students have put a lot of effort into an exhibition that demonstrates their passion and dedication to learning. It was a pleasure to be a part of the process! Hopefully, they will take the skill sets and knowledge they acquired with them for the rest of their academic career!

What a journey! I think the students learned a lot about self-management throughout the process. I hope everyone will see what the journey looks like for the students in the exhibition.

Ibu Ninggar

Pak Robert

Pak Rully

Well done on the hard work and effort you have shown throughout the process of this PYP Exhibition. You have developed different attributes and skills required to surpass this process. Congratulations!

Pak Tim

Ady and Minwoo developed their ability to manage their time in order to achieve their exhibition goals. They also developed skills necessary to work in groups, setting and attending meetings where they discussed their exhibition work.